Thursday, August 02, 2007


Ok maybe this is old news, but I was just made aware of it. (thanks Brian Ashby! ;)

(If you like it, be sure to watch the accompanying videos there as well)

It should also be mentioned that X-Games started tonight on ESPN, and will go on for the next few days.  Last year was pretty spectacular with Pastrana's double backflip, some intense supermoto racing, and rally car racing culminating with a crazy last-minute car flip/drive off.  I normally like the motorized events more than the skateboarding/bicycling, but already tonight I've seen some pretty impressive "Big Air" tricks on the boards, and a crash that looked absolutely MORBID.  NO ONE thought this guy was going to walk away after falling flat on his back from about 60 feet up.  Both shoes flew right off on impact!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad they didn't have that when I was a kid. Try these videos on for size:

vmaximum said...

Reminds me of when I was a kid & would garbage pick bike parts & make some crazy bikes. This dude flys. When I was skateboarding my attitude was I could always jump off if it got too crazy, then roller blades came along and I thought, dayum...cant bail out of those.

BIGLARGE said...

Darryl that was some of the sick shit look like a add for the nintendo wii

BIGLARGE said...

the rocket man was crazy great video

Jims5543 said...


This guy is a total trip. He must have some rather large attachments.