Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's the little touches that make it so neat.

Good to meet you guys/gals. ;)

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Ted Redmer said...

The pleasure was all ours. It's folks like you that make the Gap great and why we come back every year for our annual "thing". It must be a pain in the ass getting mobbed by us damn tourists but we appreciated the sit down. Keep up the good work and we'll see you next year for lucky number 7.

Coincidentally shortly after this picture was taken I took a trans fluid shower when the new Miata with us dropped a drain plug. The oil on the chrome bubble shield made for some purty rainbows.

james scott said...

helluva reflection ... interesting helmet ... never seen one like that before ... cool shot

Arizona Supermoto said...

Looks like one of those human androids that we use to see on the old t.v. show The Bionic Woman!

Ted Redmer said...

I'd make one ugly Bionic Woman ;)