Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lori totally thought that was a deer... the background of every shot, all day never flinched.

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justjohn said...

Looks like one of the 'Knights who say... NI'

Good2Go said...

Brake for moose!
It could save your life.

Ted Redmer said...

It's just...... ANOTHER SHUBBERY!!

funnythebunny said...

I saw that too! I yelled at the wife via our bluetooth to watch out for the deer! Weird how it never moved!

jazzmann said...

Maybe the cops are getting sneaky about keeping the speed down. Next you'll start seeing fake deer every other curve. (Like the unmanned radar guns they use on the D.C. beltway to get people w/ illegal radar detectors to brake, and everyone else slows with them.)