Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weekly Update - April 29, 2009

Photos from the past six years can be found in Our Store here. Last weekend's shots are currently uploading.

Wow, what a weekend! We shot over 20,000 photos on Saturday alone. Weather was great, no major accidents on the Gap. There was a sportbike/Corvette head-on just south of the motorcycle resort on 129, but we were told everyone was ok. We were also told there was a bad one on the Skyway involving a bike and the guardrail.

Update is a little late this week for several reasons I will share now. Of course a ton of photos to sort and upload, then I wrecked the bike Monday on the Gap and totaled it. I'm ok with just a couple of bruises around the hips. Thanks to all those who helped pull it up. Then Tuesday on my way out to shoot, the timing belt slipped on the freshly rebuilt Evo motor, crashing the valves, so we had to tow that over to Maryville last night. Hopefully the worst is behind me now. ;)

This weekend is the HUGE Mini Cooper rally along with the Audi Quattro de Mayo rally and a couple of smaller bike groups. Hope everyone has fun and plays well with each other out there.

Also a big happy birthday to my sis and mom this month, love ya both, but you already knew that.

On to the highlights!


martvol said...

You did have a bad week. Hope the skid is over.

pk386 said...

I feel you. Last week was bad for me too. hope things pick up

NISMO-FO said...

Yeah I'd say thats a tough weekend.... hell, thats a tough month right there and sorry to hear you lost both modes of transport in a single week! :( Glad to hear you can still share it with us tho :)

Myself and 3 buddies will be arriving Sunday afternoon thru Thurs! Woot.

Scott said...

Dangit Darryl! We can't have nice things!

(I keed, I keed)

Glad to hear you made it out ok. Between you and Lori, you've got enough terror tales to last a looong time. Definitely sending you guys some good juju.

Stay safe.

kbmom said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes and yes we know you love us. Sorry about the bad luck with your rides, glad you are okay. Please stay safe for yo momma and everyone. ^^ ^^ ^^

james scott said...

Simply, well wishes. What a freak'n story. My week isn't that bad after all.

Take care of yourself.


Brian said...

So sorry to hear about the bike man. I hope everything gets better for you and Lori. Make sure you got Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior before riding the gap much longer. :)

HPIguy said...

Damn, don't know how I missed the bike crash. Glad you're OK KB, you can always get another bike. We'll see ya next week for the SMJ rally.