Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quite a few groups in the area last weekend...

...including the 2009 'Busa Bash. They had a memorial ride for our friend Kevin Varner, who you may recall passed away recently. They all wore shirts that said "I rode the Dragon for Vman1300". Kevin had always worked with us to coordinate the excellent group photos we got of the previous 'Busa Bashes, and we sure miss him already.

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Unknown said...

I miss you doing the photos will never be the same without the VMAN.

Anonymous said...

I really missed you doing our group shots this year Killboy! Not the same.

Kevin was good friend to many of us and this year's Busa Bash did have a solemn tone to it. But I know.... Kevin was there with us.

Nice to see the wife's pony tails and Mr. Busa on your highlights page.

Keep up the great work!

Kat said...

VMAN talked a lot about you. This is his Sis. Enjoyed the photos but most of all, enjoyed the Ride on the Dragon for VMAN.

Anonymous said...

You cursed me with your spike comment, not an hour after my picture was taken the bike went down, I'm happy to say I didn't get stabbed by them...thanks for putting me in your highlight page and for helping us remember v-man...if you happen to come acroos a gen one busa nose cowl and right side cowl in candy sonoma red let me know..Todd