Wednesday, April 04, 2007

No photos please!

We're camera shy. ;)

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SonicCougar99 said...

Unfortunately I have some sad news to pass along. Garrett McIntire, the driver of the Silver Focus in this pic, died early Saturday morning in a traffic accident. I'm glad he got to see the Dragon before he passed away, from the pictures it looks like he had alot of fun last month out there.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Oh man....I'm sorry to hear that. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

Unknown said...

Thanks for passing this info along azbobbybooshay10, I hadn't been to the site since it happened. And thanks Darryl for for creating this site and giving us a couple more pics of him doing one of his favorite things while he was here.

We all miss him so much down here. Still doesn't seem like it's real.