Thursday, April 27, 2006

Shots are Online!

Well after about 36 hours of uploading, the photos from last week are finally online in the store. My apologies for the wait.

Rumor has it the TNHP and NCHP will be out pretty hardcore Saturday. Take it easy!


TnCobra said...

Hey guys,

Four Factory Five Cobras hit the Dragon on Sunday the 23rd.

I being the leader of our group made a error while motoring through.

I broke the back tires loose leaving an apex causing me to cross over the double yellow.

You guessed it, heres comes a bike.

While I didn't cross more than a tire, I crossed all the same. I was however able to correct it and get back before we met.

Ive thought about it and stressed enough to register and post an appology.

So whoever was riding on that bike, Im sorry if I stressed you out some.

Cheers guys and great site Darryl.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Well it's great to see everyone taking this problem seriously. It's not a small matter, especially with things getting more and more crowded. Accidents bring police and bad press, and they will come down on all of us like the black plague if we can't all show some consideration and keep control of our vehicles.

Finger pointing is childish and does not help matters. Those "other" guys are your fellow enthusiasts, and we are all there for the same reason. So please don't use someone else's sloppy driving as an excuse to do the same.