Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Photo of the week

Sometimes with all of the bonehead riding/driving we see out there, you guys and gals do something that takes away all that frustration. Thank you!

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vmaximum said...

Now that's the way it's done. I know it gets intense riding a pass, still, check the mirrors from time to time and show some class. When passing someone that shows this kind of class, don't just blow by. A friendly wave goes a long ways.

Anonymous said...

Make a friend for life -- let a biker by. =)

Anonymous said...

So nice to see respect all around

Dave said...

Was down for the first time (FINALLY!!) last week and I came across this more than not with cars and bikes, of all kind. Thanks to all that made it a great time for all of us from Detroit Sportbikes. (Hopefully none of us were douchebags and we all returned the same respect.)