Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hey there cutie!

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Unknown said...

Cute but where's the gear?

JamesD said...

It must be a race to make the gear comment. Give it a rest.

XTR said...

I just knew some numbskull was going to make a gear comment.

Unknown said...

For what it's worth, my comments on these photos are to enlighten and enhance safety in riding!!! Skill alone does not save lives while riding these machines as those of us who know can attest to! The Dragon is a VERY intense roadway for those who are EXTREMELY skilled and given Killboy's talent for photographing the unfortunate "mistakes" made on this road, safety of oneself and of one's cargo should be of TOP PRIORITY!!
It's too bad many people fail to see the logic in added safety measures and I'm sure if one of the many riders photoed on this site were to dump their bike with this kind of cargo on board, they would shudder at the loss!!

JamesD said...

It's also to bad that people cannot see the futility of saying the same thing over and over again while people are thinking "Why doesn't this guy go sh!t in a hat"

Do you think you are saving lives?

Become a fireman or something. All your banter does nothing but make you feel like you are the all knowing. We don't care what you think.

Kyle Bubp said...

I have a magical fireman, perhaps Dwayne can rub the fireman's helmet and he might even spit in Dwayne's eye!

kin52 said...

Hey Dwayne, shouldn't you be driving on the highway, in the left lane, about ten under the limit to slow these crazzzy riders. Stop acting like an Ass!
We know your opinion but riding is about freedom. That freedom includes the right to make choices you might not choose to make. If you don't like people doing things different than you maybe you should take up another hobby, needlepoint might be a good fit for you.

vmaximum said...

Then there is the opposite. Inexperianced rider with total armor may feel invinsible. What you have to do is ride within your means. Gear is not the total answer. Lighten up Dwayne.

doubleshot100proof said...

wow, I bet none of the guys that underestimate the value of good riding gear have never been down hard B4. I hear the best part is when they take the wire brush to your road rash to get out the gravel and road debris, been told it's a religous experience. If you don't like a particular comment, or poster, why not just choose to not read it, instead of slammin into a guy that's obviously just trying to state (or maybe overstate?) the importance of good gear?? It should be a choice of course as to wether you ride in a tank top and flip flops or in full leathers, but I see nothing wrong with him sharing his opinion just like the rest of y'all and I do. There's 2 kinds of riders, those who have been down, and those who are going to go down, and when I do, I personally will be thankfull to my friends that have drilled it into my skull that good gear and heads up riding can keep even a numbskull like me alive. just my two cents.. hell here's a nickel and keep the change.

Brandon said...

I agree about it being about freedom, but a child is somewhat of a different story. Children are defined in our society not to have the ability to make their own informed decisions about things like safety gear. That's what they have parents for. When I have adult passengers, I tell them what I'll be wearing and what I suggest they wear and then let them ride however they want (within reason). With children I hope that I'll be mature enough to have hard and fast gear rules. Protect that beautiful smile and get that girl some gear :)