Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Here come the semis...

Yes they're still coming through, and ironically all of these are trucks coming from the NC side.  Thanks to all those who escort.  I suspect word will get out eventually about the restriction and this stuff will taper off some, but never stop.

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yetimcclin said...

In order for the restrictions to work, they have to enforce them. If they don't, they might as well have put up a sign with a drooling smiley face on it.

Lisa said...

So there are signs up, and they just ignore them??!! They could take 129 back to R'ville, or 28 back to 19.

Superdog said...

OK everyone, Tennessee has the heat on this Gap, has everyone been paying attention? NC LEO's have not been a problem for me. 90% of the Gap is in Tennessee. Now you could just stop the truck and call the law. But if someone were that brave, they would have stopped this circus long ago.