Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weekly Update - March 14, 2012

As always, shots from the last seven years are up in Our Store here, and be sure to check out the recent additions to the area scenery/wall art selections. Below are some of the highlights from last week.

DON'T FORGET to hit the "Older Posts" link at the bottom of each page to get to the end. ;)

Well we're finally back!  First shots of the new season were fired off last weekend, highlights are below.  Feels good to be back out there, although we're still pretty busy with some other things like moving into a new (to us) place.  It's always exhilarating this time of year to think of all the possibilities for the upcoming many great things happen unexpectedly each year.

Ok, on to the highlights!


2wheelsonly! said...

am i first?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Si, a cookie for you sir.

RC 51 Mark said...

If trucks are banned on the NC side what are they doing going through ?