Thursday, January 26, 2012

For those who missed the piece on Discovery Channel last night...

(Full Screen it)


Phil Alexander said...

Barely missed it last night. But glad to see it turned out well. Thanks for posting

Pilote Ancien said...

Nice big-bore V-8 sound comin' out of your S-2000 on the Discovery audio track, KB.

Word Verification for this post was "taill" (!!!).

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Yeah we were watching it live at a friend's place and when that clip played there was a 4-person "What the hell?"

Lovecraft said...

Well done Darryl and Lori ! While I hope this piece will substantially increase your revenue, I worry about even more crowding during the prime season. Of course, I am a relative late arrival to US 129 so if I'm honest, I'm as much a part of the problem as anyone else ;) See you in the spring !

KC said...

Hi Darryl and Lori, I was wondering what your thoughts on the show are? I have mixed feelings on the piece.

Delta said...

Wow, nice hair on that girl! Naaww, just kidding, looks freakish.

Pilote Ancien said...

Not to poke that futile debate on this site again with a stick, (people will do what they will do), but the Discovery piece convinces me that if I still rode, it would be All The Gear, All The Time.

Back in the Cretaceous, I rode in jeans and a tee, and took my helmet off whenever I was on "side roads." A helmet decreased the fun factor by 80 percent.

But the "quick cuts" of KB's motor drive shots, and Lori's account of her own crash, remind me to rethink the risk-reward equation. Watching a bike go down in slow-mo with a passenger wearing a tank top and jeans is painful. ATG didn't save Lori's wrist, but kept her from being even more banged up than she was.

Thus endeth today's sermonette...

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

KC: They dwelled an awful lot on the danger/negative aspect and didn't cover the positive stuff, but we have come to expect that with any media coverage these days.

HDridr2000 said...

Wow!.. what a crock. Way too much drama. If you watched that and had never been to the Dragon, you'd think there was a fatality looming around every corner.

Scotty J. said...

Nice! The same show also covered "Red Mountain Pass", we do that one every year these days LOL.

Tod is fun in the Miata, but once we found the mountain trails, the Ranger 4x4 became our vacation vehicle.

I don't know what it says about me and the wife, two roads on "Hell Roads" are we've spend the last 6 years of our lives visiting... Hmmmm

Hans said...

Gnarly, well done guys.

vulcanautoworx said...

For the drama comments, its to create "good" tv.

Killboy, why do they keep showing the S2K, then cut to you in (what i assume is) the evo?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

They didn't have much footage from outside the Evo (It was raining booth days they were here) and they didn't have any interview footage from inside the S2000, (It was down with engine rebuild) so I guess they figure most people won't notice.

Team Function Motorsports said...

I was down this past saturday for the first time in six years. While I was there the people who were "running" the road still played on the cautious side. However running into two dump trucks was not much fun. especially when one locks up his brakes and sits on the road looking to start a fight. I hope to be back soon and with my fun car this time.

VFRDave said...

Man looks like TMZ wrote the script for that. The Killboy stuff was great along with Ron from TOD but the narrator wow.

Unknown said...

I plan to do it today, if I get out of the room in time.