Wednesday, October 05, 2011


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RTDan said...

2FAST4U & a handicapped tag to boot!

Bartman said...

Damn Doug! Good thing you're running a C/T on that beast. Oh wait, you can't turn like that on a car tire!

Bartman said...

RTDan: Sadly, the HC tag was for Doug's mother who passed away recently. He took her all over the country on the back of the bike before she passed.

renu9d84 said...

That is an excellent example for the HD riders out there to admire. A thousand pound motorcycle that handles, stops AND accelerates. A skilled rider to be sure! From a state that has zero curves makes it even more impressive.

RC 51 Mark said...

Hell Yeah !

Chef C14 said...

I double that hell yeah.

yetimcclin said...

I'm thoroughly impressed!

bakedziti said...

Rock on. Riding it like he stole it.

Dragonater said...

Howdy Doug!

BeachsideOso said...

Obviously a fake....not possible with a dangerous car tire on the rear.

Erik said...

RIP to his mom, I remember meeting them both several years ago on one of their many trips(I can't count how many times I've seen him on the highlights!!!).

Definately an awesome guy for the things he does.