Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pull-off areas are not there for decoration.

And there are 100+ of them…paved.

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vmaximum said...

Needs bigger mirrors.

RC 51 Mark said...

Needs to use them !

dmurray said...

The Harley Davidson "Parade Fan" listed in the catalog should not be another name for the operator.

Flash2Crash said...

Maybe paint the pull-offs fluorescent orange so they can see if that'd help.

Bruto said...

How 'bout the speed racers behind him slow it down a little instead? I personally would pull over, but only because I don't enjoy being tailgated by reckless drivers/riders who are in such a dang hurry.

Superdog said...

People don't come here for the view. If you want to go slow do it somewhere else. The curves are for sport, not for you barely moving road blockers. For the record, I am 56 years old and sick of overweight riding too close to each other lardasses blocking the dragon. And I am not alone on this.

Chuck said...

"The curves are for sport, not for you barely moving road blockers." it's for everyone. When I am there I pull over for some and wave to those that pull over for me. :-P

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to/don't know how to ride at a decent clip, get out of the way. The people that block 20 vehicles by waddling along at 15mph are the same ones that bitch when they get passed by someone who isn't there to do parade laps. SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT.

Rockynight said...

Wow! Dude LOOK in your mirror!

3up3down said...

So, the Dragon really is not for everyone, just for the self-qualified riders? Ha! elitism is everywhere, ain't it?

martvol said...

Remember, the pull offs can be used by ll as well. Go slow traffic in front....Pull over and take a look at the trees. The view really is good. After a while you will be able to continue at a nice clip, refreshed and relaxed.

blewbayou said...

@bruto; I find it hard to believe that the entire line of cars behind him are "speed racers," could it be that the rider is really, possibly just going way too slow. The road has a speed limit, if you aren't able to ride at that pace use a pull-off. It's a multi-purpose road for all people, a little respect goes a long way. We aren't there to police others on the road.

martvol said...

The road has no minimum speed limit, if you aren't able to crawl at that pace use a pull-off. It's a multi-purpose road for all people, a little respect goes a long way. We aren't there to police others on the road.

Remember, It goes both ways.

martvol said...

Having sai the above, I would be using the pull-off if I was him.

Unless of coarse the first car behind me had an arrow or the words pull over on the front of it.

tdragger said...

It's just common courtesy to use the pull-offs just like if you were driving slow in the left lane on the interstate. He has every right to go as slow as he wants or comfortable with but it doesn't mean that he should be discouteous to others that are there to enjoy the road.

MATT-X said...

Paint a "HD" logo or put up a sign at every pulloff. They will all be cramming in there for Cool-ass group photos!

RC 51 Mark said...

Classic ! good job MATT !

ke0ki2k said...

The road is obviously for everybody, but there is no reason for pompous douchebags, who think they know better than everyone else, to block the road. when I come up on slower traffic I dont tailgate them.. until they pass a half-dozen pull-offs...then its clear youre just an inconsiderate fuckhead and you deserve to be tailgated.

pidjones said...

Wife and I rode it yesterday (Sunday) on the GoldWing. I pulled over four times. Would have done more if needed. Courtesy is very rare sometimes, but I try to show it instead of showing others what I can do to them.

roscoau said...
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roscoau said...

The road is obviously for everybody, but there is no reason for pompous douchebags, who think they know better than everyone else, to be impatient.

joe said...

For all of you saying that 'he is not required to pull over'. Get a clue.

Legally, this is obstructing or impeding the flow traffic.

Also, it is genuine cockery.

SC_SV said...

I have no problem with you poking along at parade speed right past all the pull-outs as long as you have no problem with me SAFELY passing you on a double-yellow.

Rockynight said...

I just got back from the dragon and pulled over a couple of times since I was in my car. I met some of the riders at the store and made many new friends. I got the "thank you" beep.

So cool.

COMMON courtesy goes a loooong way.

maacodale said...

It's FAR better to pull over and get a thumbs up versus stay in the way and get flipped off. We had a HD in our way during MINI weekend. He too was a douche!

Lovecraft said...

It really does go to courtesy. When someone faster approaches my 6, be it bike or auto, I let them by. If I approach someone elses 6 and they let me by, they get 2 quick friendly honks and a wave. If it's a HD rider that lets me by, I do the same, only then I really need to give serious consideration that I may well be dreaming or have found myself in an alternate universe.

Anonymous said...

The only thing worse than and slow HD rider is a smug a$$hole from California in a Prius...