Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Maybe they just really like dressing up.

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yetimcclin said...

Nothing says "I love you" quite like putting somebody on the back of a bike with almost no gear.

martvol said...

Will they wear any gear in bed though?

tdragger said...

geez yeti. give it a break. nice way to spoil an otherwise nice picture. comments like yours are just old and uncool anymore.

KC said...

I agree with tdragger!!!

hdbro said...

That was my wife and I riding from the chapel. And I do love her. Was she suppose to wear body armor? Then we would of been like all the other rice burners running the dragon like it's their own race track.

Superdog said...

Jim Carrey?

2wheelsonly! said...

A Sincere Congratulations!

On "Rice Burners",

I *wish* my GS1100E burned rice.
Helluva lot cheaper than gas!

Now, let's take a look at your Harley-Davidson, hmmm?

That motorcycle is highly-touted to be "Made in USA". Except it has parts manufactured in one or all or a combination of the following countries~ Japan, Singapore, Tailand, and China.

Major things such as wheels, tires, front and rear suspension, carburetors, electronics, grips, cables, seats, levers and other controls, are, wait for it:

"Made in Japan, Singapore, Tailand, China"!!

Nothing is set in stone, but that about sums it up.

"Partially Made And Fully Assembled in USA" with Rice Burner Parts! ouch..

Now go burn some rice you madman!

yetimcclin said...

Congrats to you hdbro. But yes, she is supposed to wear gear. If you frequent this blog enough, you'll know that there are plenty of studid people on the Dragon and you can be doing nothing wrong and still wind up on the pavement. There's zero chance you'd catch my wife or I wearing anything like that on a bike (although I might occasionally rock a tutu over my gear. :-P )

martvol said...

Yes there are plenty of stupid poeple out there. I think yeti is one of them.
It is up to you what you wear, and when you wear it. Save for the damn helmet laws and eye protection. You look like you are driving very save in the photo above and all you can control is yourself. If we live our lives worried about what the next idiot is going to do, we will never live, leave the house, go to the mall, etc, etc.
I wish you and your wife many, many decades of love and happiness. Good riding, freind.

INHarley said...

What he said.

yetimcclin said...

Martvol thinks I'm an idiot. I feel like I've accomplished something!

martvol said...
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martvol said...
