Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weekly Update - July 20, 2011

As always, shots from the last nine years are up in Our Store here, and be sure to check out the recent additions to the area scenery/wall art selections. Below are some of the highlights from last week.

DON'T FORGET to hit the "Older Posts" link at the bottom of each page to get to the end. ;)

Pretty slow one last week, and really getting hot out there.  Let's be sure and stay hydrated, it's a serious problem during this time of year and we see a lot of accidents related to heat issues.

This week on Tha Calendar we've got Mitsubishi's and 5th Gen Camaros, although I'm guessing there will be plenty more action.  Plus we've got Fiddy racing Saturday night at the Deals Gap Resort.  Enjoy the highlights!

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