Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Takin' the kid for a ride.

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ally99 said... jeans and a t-shirt. Lovely.

2wheelsonly! said...

eeeee-zzzzzz, he's got his junior chain-wallet on!

Plus: Loud Pipes Save Little Lives, Too!


tdragger said...

gear-nazis strike again.

RC 51 Mark said...

Two boogers ?

2wheelsonly! said...

pssst, tdragger, ya need to lose the plural s.

I spoketh not of "gear", did I?

Spoketh I of wallets and exhausts, not of this "gear" thou doth prattle on about.

Me thinks the issue here is your use of the word "NAZI", hmmmmmmmmmmm?

NAZI'S MURDERED OVER 5,000,000 Jewish Human Beings. Horrible Deaths and Torture. MURDER.


Now, are these MURDERERS you speak of *for* or *against* gear? And just *exactly* what gear is on this list?

Cripes~ Jewish People everywhere await your answers!

tdragger said...

It would seem that the analogy is lost on the self-righteous. Nazis did indeed murder, kill and otherwise assasinate millions of people who were not JUST LIKE THEM. Anyone who does not wear full leathers and ride a squid bike has their character assasinated by the ever present gear-nazis.

Can't you people simply appreciate the marvelous photography offered on this site? just chill and appreciate that a little boy is out riding with his dad.

RC 51 Mark said...

Ding,round three.

Gear......good advice
No gear....bad advice

Us "N" word people are the good advice people.

My experience is down at 60 + and after a couple of hundred feet got up feeling sore but intact.

Nothing to prove just like all my stuff !

2wheelsonly! said...

My thought on the kid?

Nice Helmet, unlike the operators soup bowl.

How does a comment about gear ruin ones enjoyment of the photo's you view??

Also, I GET the freakin' NAZI thing. My point is you can call gear goons a multitude of names *without* using NAZI, fer crisake!

You wouldn't sling-around the other "N" word, wouldya??

Anonymous said...

Im curious what exactly leathers has to do with a squid bike?? Im pretty sure they make leathers suited for harleys, crotch rockets or anything else with two wheels as well as four I might add. Just curious which type is the squid type. Pretty sure that is defined by riding ability in relation to common sense and actual riding practices....not style of bike.... eh, just observing