Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Florida+Car Tire+Safe Wide Line=Impressive!

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tdragger said...

she is known in the ways of the darkside.

yetimcclin said...

Car tire+dragging parts+tshirt=questionable judgement.

Anonymous said...

She slayed it!

Jarod said...

I love that the left signal is on for the left-hand turn. If she did that all the way through, I bet her blinker switch was worn out by the end. :)

DarksideX said...

"ya can't ride a car tire thru the Gap..."

2wheelsonly! said...

Shit, I run motorcycle tires on my Dakota pick-up!

Tit for Tat

harleyrider said...

doesnt look like a safe line to me... bout to run too wide, no room for error...

2wheelsonly! said...

"no room for error..."

please tell me what you mean by that in relation to this particular photo?

VTX Behind said...

Love all the comments.. good, bad, indifferent... it's all good!

RedTSquared said...

My take would be if she planned to run that deep into it to set up for the next turn. If she's hitting her mark, it's all good.

I mean, you've seen much much worse here, haven't ya?

I'd like to see more gear but she seems to be on top of it.

DarksideX said...

I think she's just lighting up the boards for Killboy!!
Nice job!

s said...

2w: I assume he means she's about to run out of lane and is certainly near her lean limit. Another couple of mph and this wouldn't be such a nice story.

BTW, wtf is her right foot doing?

s said...

Also, my brother went "dark side" and I've ridden it a couple of times. Not awesome, but it's good enough for 90% of the folks out there riding. We can see it's not the limiting factor on this bike.

VTX Rider said...

The dry weight on that bike is over 800lbs. The fact that she's riding it at all impresses me!