Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Best tanning booth evar.

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Arizona Supermoto said...

This one actually looks good in this type of outfit, followed by an actual flat stomach!
Usually you'll see this type wear stuff with... a lot of extra body everywhere. :D

Superdog said...

Awesome body! Looks like Sandra is out looking for Jesse again...

Unknown said...

I love me a panda or two.

Chef C14 said...

I hope that guy with the ape hangers isn't coming around any corners in front of her. I'd hate to see that canvas destroyed.

Delta said...

Yeah, looks good until she goes down! Just stupid on so many levels. But, hey if she doesn't give a shit, I don't either. To the asphalt!

RC 51 Mark said...


P3 said...

Feet and hair protected. Hooters? protect the tata's!

Devl_636 said...


Dana Teel said...

I don't think it's smart, but I love the view. To each their own.

Ax said...

She might be very attractive if she wasn't riding a motorcycle dressed (?) like that. But since she is, all I can see is a "dumb chick".

2wheelsonly! said...

She's in the classifieds under:

"Desperately Needing Attention"