Tuesday, October 05, 2010

You going to ride that home?

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Superdog said...

Now THAT'S a streetfighter right there, not that overpriced underpowered other excuse.

Dragonater said...

Gap Yodler showin his skilz.

RC 51 Mark said...

Borg Bike.

Unknown said...

Are you going to ride that home!!!!! Didn't you just wreck it. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Cutis, maybe KB was talking about the guys finger?

gregmccoy1971 said...

Curtis> "Didnt you just wreck it?" Yes, and it caused over $800 worth of improvements!

Kim said...

I think he's saying, "Kids, wear a helmet!"

(word verification: jamen)

unfcknblvable1 said...

lol yes. u riding that finger home?