Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Well, it is a Harley...wait, is that a DOT beanie?

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Andrew said...

Talked to him at the store, said he forgot to bring a helmet with him, I think he came from Colorado.

RC 51 Mark said...

I wonder why they went out of business,Hmmmm ?

2wheelsonly! said...

How the flyin' farts does one *forget* their helmet?

Screw the "law". Common-Sense dictates wearing the best you can get your grub-mitts on!

Pavement Hard! Trucks Ouchy!

martvol said...

Well, He was legal in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma. He looks older than 21 so he was good in Arkansas, if he came that way. It is easy to forget a helmet when you come from a place tha lets you live your own life. He might also have oldtimers. I wish I was smart enough to forget mine when I go down there.

2wheelsonly! said...

I come from a place called Rhode Island where I live my own life. We *do not* have helmet laws for the operator, just pillion. I wear one because *I* want to, not cuz Mom tells me to.

Like I said "Screw the Law", I am *very* opposed to legislated safety when common-sense will do.

It appears to me there is a helmet law down there. Everyone I have seen on this site (ceptin' this guy and one other) have worn helmets.

What gives it away is the "look at me, I'm almost *not* wearing a helmet" soup-bowls that many wear to, um, protest helmet laws?

Anonymous said...

yes tennessee has a helmet law...not sure about the nc side though

jamman said...

It's freakin Charlie Daniels man... He's the only one who can get away with it in Tennessee... LOL!