Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Way to represent for the FOP.

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Timmy said...

Another nice line by another dumbass.

RC 51 Mark said...

What was the event, A Dick Parade ?

Oh and, that's a girls BMW where I live !

bullett500 said...

Think you locals can get these dickweeds cleared out by next weekend? I'm making my maiden voyage on the Dragon and I sure don't want to meet any of these clowns while riding.

Chef C14 said...

Love the slamming comments. "Dick head parade." Thank God, the many times I've been down there I've never run into tards like these.

Flash2Crash said...

Bullett...they'll be cleared out only to be replaced by a new crop of dickweeds.

Dan_Alcock said...

Asshat number 4... something go wrong in the water this week?

Jimbozcrazy said...

I guess it goes without saying that class and skill are not required to drive a classy car. What a turdgobler.

gregmccoy1971 said...

Jeez didnt know it was rookie week at the Gap, or is this some group out of Europe? Now I dont feel so bad about not riding for the last week or so.

gregmccoy1971 said...
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cobra6 said...

What is this? Dumb and dumbell?

2wheelsonly! said...

F O-ther P-eople

NISMO-FO said...

Surely BMW would be proud... but then again, it is one of those girly Bimmers...

LOL @ Jimbocrazy - turdgobbler!