Tuesday, October 05, 2010

"Hey guys, I'm totally keepin' up!"

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MikeE said...

Way to represent Flori"DUH" !

yetimcclin said...

Congratulations! You've just won the dumbass of the week award! Lemme guess...now you're going to Disney World.

Superdog said...

somebody oughta slap the chit outta him, and doing it right in front of the camera! like taking a dump at high noon on yer neighbor's lawn. Makes me wanna come down there and knock some heads....

bullett500 said...


RC 51 Mark said...

Status Quo for my neighborhood.

2wheelsonly! said...

"Hope they don't look back and see what an ass-wipe I am!"

Mark said...

On a nicer note, that sure is one sweet Katana 1300 he's on.

Flash2Crash said...

Obviously a geometry major. The shortest distance between 2 points is in a straight line.

Dan_Alcock said...


Daniel said...

Here I am proving to the world that Busas CAN turn and you pull this crap... Ass.

Cruzman said...

Ok so perhaps he was tired of all the corners, or he knew this would get him on Killboy's highlights.

Matt said...

Silly Busa, turns are for sport bikes.

cobra6 said...

Write "I am an idiot 100 times"... after you say your prayers... assuming that you survived your ride across Deal's Gap.

NISMO-FO said...

Ride the ride or stay home. Just sayin'.

word verification = slyte