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Poor kid was born into the wrong gene pool.
What a Dick !
F&#king idiot...
how dumb can people really be...
Like KB said on a completely diff pic last week... "It's like telling your passenger I really don't like you at all"
(Sorry KB if I screwed the quote up at all) But ya'll get the picture...
Hope they don't meet a lane crosser(or a cross dresser for that matter).
It's stupid, it's dangerous, it's illegal to boot. FAIL on so many levels.
LMAO @ sthillbilly
Dude, nice thing to do, probably a good time, but DEFINITELY THE WRONG PLACE. Too easy for something to go terribly wrong. Then your memory of a good ride with your kid becomes your memory of how his blood shines in the sun light, and the sound his bones make as the break, and the sound his screams, and.... I think you got the point.
As long has he has life insurance on the kid its ok.you can always have another kid,but where you going to get a 100,000 dollar payday.
Nice Nighthawk 750. Just a tad more TLC and it'd be minty keeper!
... oh, and the kid thing. If it ain't your kid, then don't worry about it. If it's in your gene pool of family members... meh, you can worry or something. Otherwise, let natural selection deal with it.
did i miss the memo? you know the one where they said "life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness...no longer applies because everyone ELSE says so"??
altho i personally would have picked a different road...and not because kb "might" get a picture of what i'm doing. i remember doing that as a kid,but then again we didn't have to wear helmets to ride our bicycles or skateboards.
just sayin'
Drew, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do not trump somebody else's safety or the safety of those who don't know better. That's specifically why that particular act is illegal.
Kids ride like that all the time here in the Dominican Republic and it really isn't that much more dangerous. I regularly see families of five on one bike here. Just because that isn't the norm in the States, doesn't make it that bad or unsafe. I bet that kid is still alive today.
Andy, people do stupid shit all over the world. Just because somebody else did or does something insanely retarded doesn't make it a good idea.
5 ppl on one bike and you say its not unsafe? Are you on crack??? lmao
What everyone seems not to understand about life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is that your rights terminate at the expense of some one elses safety/life/property. Even though this is likely a legal guardian of the child, it's not wise, not safe and if he crashes, what about that kids rights? Just my 2 cents worth... again.
little trucker's gonna get hurt riding on the tank!
That dude needs to be put down ... if not because or a sever mental defect then at least for the safety of the kid.
As for you morons stating liberty or what ever ... does that mean you should be allowed to rape children as well ... because you want to and its a free country. Putting a childs life in danger is on the same level in my opinion.
Somebody call Child Protection Services. Being able to have a kid doesn't make you able to bringing him up.
If I wanted to that with my kid I would have chosen an empty residential area and rode very slow, and not the most popular mountain road of the country, where every once in a while someone crosses the double line.
Who's Pissy now ?
Yep, another "freedom Fighter" no matter what the consequences are.
I really don't like what he is doing with the kid but,
you folks really should take a trip to other parts of the world. This is the norm for over 50% of this globe's population. We aren't "better" here, we just have the affluence to be able to afford better.
i remember doing this as a kid, i couldnt sit at the back of the bike till i was about 4 or 5 if i remember right. Sitting at the back is too scary, hard to hold on and hard to see stuff, so it actually felt safer sitting at the front. Well thats what i remember anwyays.
And in hindsight? Prob should have waited till when i was older b4 i was allowed on a bike.
Its easy to make quick judgements of things, but you guys shoudl really try it... oh wait.. about 40-50 years too late for most of us hahah. Nahh.. seriously though.. just wait till the boys a bit older so he can safely sit at the back
he's got a helmet on, dont think if they crash it's gonna matter much if he's on the front or the back.
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