Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I'm told this is a pretty rare bike...

...possibly having something to do with being named the Ascot.

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Flash2Crash said...

Ascot, of course, is a famous race track. XR500 motor is a psuedo-flattrack chassis.

Thumper said...

My ass. Theres one in my garage.

yetimcclin said...

I like the VT better.

Arizona Supermoto said...

Nice to see!

I hope none of the Ruff/Rough Riders see these posts. The guy has his arm up... but I'm not seeing anything to squidy. :D

Chef C14 said...

I had an Ascot. It was my first bike and I paid $500 for it. Rode it for 3 months then it was time for more motor.