Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Somebody took a shortcut.

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joe barasa said...

hey darryl and lori. love ur blog. ur blog stats is always showing one viewer in afrika, in kenya... thats ME!! i ride a 1996 honda shadow 600cc (she's been in the shop for a coupla weeks now being painted and chromed and stuff... sob!). be grateful for the good roads u got there. one day, hopefully, i will come over to slay the dragon. or be slayed :P keep up the good work

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Hey thanks Joe! I see your dot on the map there.

My current bestest little Indian friend grew up in Africa. He's actually the rider in the "Following my BFF through the Dragon" video I shot from my S2000. I doubt y'all know each other though. ;)

Keep the rubber side up when you get your bike back, and maybe we'll meet in person one day!

joe barasa said...

loved that video! though i kinda wished the cam was on a bike instead of a cage. i'm hoping to get my bike this weekend. av gone cold turkey, i need a fix really bad!!

dont know wat u mean by 'keep the rubber side up', i want the chrome side up, and the rubber side down. ur worried about trucks over there, we are worried about matatus here. (google that)

just realizing av totally hijacked ur post, but the post was about someone taking a shortcut, no? :)

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

LOL, I meant rubber's late here. ;)

Don't sweat the hijack...most people don't have much to say unless it's bewbies or trucks. (going to look up that word now...)

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Re: Matatus: Ah ok...yeah we get to travel on those whenever we go to the Caribbean in winter (here) for vacation. They have them in St. Lucia and Jamaica, but I have a feeling they're more civilized than the ones you deal with.

Hey email me your mailing address and we'll send ya some killboy stickers.

Unknown said...

Shortcut, now that's funny.

Unknown said...

That's about 75 miles before my 9600-plus-mile, 40-day trip ended with a final-drive failure 6 miles outside of Tellico Plains. LOL
I took lotsa shortcuts. ;-)
My photo CD came today. ;-) Thanks.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Impressive, and thank YOU. Sorry about your final-drive though.

Unknown said...

I remember seeing you at Hardee's in Tellico! Glad to see you on here!


vmaximum said...

Just finished a movie called Long Way Around. 2 guys from ride from London across to far east Russia, fly to Anchorage and drive to NY. They put those beemers thru hell in Siberia and Mongolia. A must see.

Unknown said...

Hey, Josh --
I remember seeing you there while the bike was on the rollback. LOL

Darryl, I appreciate that y'all are out there.

Yo ARKiV said...

Parsons Branch? I've always wanted to do that road in my Miata, just to say it can be done.