Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Never buy a used rental car.

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Unknown said...

This is full of win... The power steering pump started to get pretty noisy by the end of the Dragon. On the Devil's Triangle, I really thought I had broken the power steering system on that car. The pump was so noisy, I almost wanted to pull over and let it cool, but figured it would once I stopped doing the switchbacks.

Must go back to the Dragon in one of my other vehicles more properly designed for that stuff ;-)

It was great chatting with you for a while after I got sick of following that slow truck!

BlueFlames said...

Did the tires stay on the car all the way through? It really looks like both of the outside wheels are about to lose their rubber in this shot!

Unknown said...

I did that a few months back with a Cobalt. Glad they done charge extra for severe tire wear...

Jimbozcrazy said...

LOL... many, many moons ago, my friend and I rented a couple of Ford Escorts.... we brought them back with nearly square tires from doing e-brake slides down monster hills. We even rotated the tires and slid some more once we sufficiently flat spotted the rears. Those poor cars... said...

LAWL. Rentals FTW.