Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I heart your car.

How can these NOT become legendary classics?

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Matt said...

agreed...looks like a Spoon top on there?...muy bien!

Ted Redmer said...

Gotta love overnight parts from Japan. Top looks great, I'm sure you probably could buy a second car for what it ran him though :D

Unknown said...

love the top!

Sixth.Gear said...

I think they already are a legendary classic.

NISMO-FO said...

Hardtop=Supersexy. And I'm not sure why, but I've hearted them since I seen the first one.

Yo ARKiV said...

Let's hear it for 9000RPM redline!

I was once told by an S2K owner: "To get the maximum performance out of it, you gotta drive it like you hate it." Sounds like a lot of work. (And torture for the gearbox)