Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And finally, my mom got this shot of a Praying Mantis taking down a Hummingbird at her place!


kbmom said...

FYI -- This had already happened when I saw it or trust me I would have stopped it. I did destroy the praying mantis after this!

yetimcclin said...

Why destroy the mantis? It's not pretty or a vegetarian so it has no right to exist?

james scott said...

nice capture kbmom

pk386 said...

Nice pic.

That bug is like, "nothing to see here, move along"

Yo ARKiV said...

I see great photograpy runs in the family.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

I'm with yeti mom, woulda let him live!

tweeter55 said...

Video, or just photos? Would have made an awesome Animal Planet video.

jabo said...

I never thought that could happen

kbmom said...

Sorry guys it had to go -- didn't like the way it looked at me!! Besides I don't like things that mess with my Hummers. I only have photos, no video. I have seen Praying Mantis on the feeders before and when the hummingbirds approached the feeder the critter would stick up its front claws. I sure never thought they would do this. This one was rather large though. Thanks for the interest folks and for the posting Darryl.
Stay safe ya'll!!

Dan'l said...

Nothing messes up a hummer faster then a big CHOMP. Poor lil feller.

RP36 said...

I love the picture until I read what happened to the Praying Mantis. Sad that people have to disrupt nature like that. Should we kill birds for eating mosquitos?


TWL said...

That's awesome ! Dis like killing , could just moved him.

Kim said...

One does not put up a humming bird feeder to bait them for the Mantis. That said, batting the mantis down is only a temporary solution. Need a feeder that only hovering flyers can hang about.

Amazing shot.

tweeter55 said...

RP30...We are part of nature.

Superdog said...

OK those crying about the bug, go look at your radiator and see how many bugs you have slaughtered! What a joke. Tending to bird feeders is an act of love and lots of work. You have to clean and refill often, and constantly clean out wasps and ants. And birds EAT bugs all day, even hummingbirds! I oughta come over there and throw a handful of bedbugs and spiders in yer bed! Fer crying out loud!

Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of a old "Far Side" cartoon with two spiders talking about the web they had just built across the bottom of a kid's play ground sliding says to the other..."if this works, we will eat like kings"

trucker said...

I love death,I look forward to dyeing.Its going to be a blast.

jentink said...

What about the relative weight those tiny claws are supporting... amazing.

RC 51 Mark said...

I like the copyright better then the picture.

Kevin said...

I'm with PR30!!!!!

100% Agree

The Praying Mantis is a wonderful insect, maybe one of the most interested in the world! How it has evolved to become what it is today!

doug said...


then get on with it already!