Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Babe Blue

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yetimcclin said...

Integrated front signals? Or just no front signals?

2wheelsonly! said...

oh, and yo butt lookin' fine!

trucker said...

Women should stay home where they belong, -n- bedroom. Women should not be driving bikes ether.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Trucker's trollin', pay him no mind ladies...or me for that matter.

Know why women have smaller feet? To stand closer to the kitchen sink.

trucker said...

Just joking,a lot of women make better riders cause they don't show off on bikes like men do,that's why more men get hurt or killed than women.That girl on nitro circus on mtv is awesome.

njyork42 said...


Anonymous said...

looking good...keep it up and keep the rubber part down