Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tire Shaver

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Bimmerjo said...

Looks like somebody needs to adjust some suspension...

K03gsxr750 said...

Chicken strip removal, your doing it wrong.

Yuu said...

Preload is maxed out. It's a fancy hydro preload on that bike and it's all she had w/o removing the shock.

And these two are camera hogs - they were in the highlights a couple weeks back - hooligans!

RC 51 Mark said...

Exhaust adjustment !

Unknown said...

how is she not falling off???? looks like she isn't even on the seat!

Jesus Acosta said...

You should see some of the other ones, we get a lot lower than that :)

And yes the preload was maxed out. We were riding the bike from Boston to Louisiana, so we couldn't really stop to have the bike resprung. And yes, that camelback is the entirety of our luggage.