Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Oh no!

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winger4life said...

looks like that tranny has seen it's better days.................

martvol said...

Is it too late to turn in as a clunker?!?!?!?

Unknown said...

thats a pretty nice suburban

K03gsxr750 said...

:BangsHead: why continue when you know how unsafe you are making it for others?

ky_airhog said...

There is a msg on the rear qtr....

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

It just started dumping/smoking right here. They did go about 2 more miles before pulling over.

Girlzuki said...

Darrell! ... have you meet my other brother Darrell? And, this is my other brother Darrell! Ha, Ha, Love it!