Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Is it staged, or is it real?

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Ralph F. Couey said...

I thought all sidestands had starter interlocks.

GPtuners said...

I don't see sparks...

Ted said...

What a drag!

dwfranke1 said...

no i think its a triumph

winger4life said...

is that a kick stand...or is that bike happy to see ya???

jtrace620 said...

He couldn't have made it that far into the gap and not leaned past the kickstand angle unless he were going like 2 mph. It must be a gag. Reminds me of the Jackass episode with the baby carrier glued to the top of the sedan driving around. If it's a joke, it's not very nice.

NISMO-FO said...

Either way it ain't good. My last trip up (this past May during the 2-smoke week) a few 2-smokes were hanging out at the overlook. A few pulled out to make another pass and one of 'em left the kickstand down. He made probably 45 feet before he barely leaned and the kickstand caught the ground like a javalin. He was thrown off the bike from near the double yellow and almost smacked the guardrail on his side of the road. Was a quite impressive leap, but did NOT look good. My bike doesn't engage 1st gear w/out shutting off if the kickstand isn't completely up. Be careful folks. This could have ended terribly.

Total side note:
Word Verification = teystes

Unknown said...

Honda used to put a rubber kicker on the stand so it'd go up without tossing you if you left it down. I've wondered why it went away.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

He made several passes with it dangling and bouncing loudly off the pavement.

martvol said...

Just let that baby go to far forward in a right hander, the next left gets very interesting.