Wednesday, September 02, 2009


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winger4life said...

question............ was the photo intended for the bike or the gals?? inquiring minds wanna know........

Flash2Crash said...

Tennessee limo.

FightersDomain said...

This is going to be more than you want to know......but......this is how it went down...
I shot the front of the truck but did not see the people in the back until they went by....they also just saw me at this point and that's when they started waving....but the bike was already in position for what is normally the best shot at this I shot the bike knowing the truck would also be in the picture, therefore showing love to all those involved.... why, because that's how I roll.

See, much more than you really wanted to know :)

NISMO-FO said...

Poor biker. Effing truck ruined his photo! LOL

Paco said...

Thanks to them he made the highlights!

FightersDomain said...

exactly... ha