Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Our 5-wheel friend has added a shroud up front.

Wait until you see what he has in mind next...

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Tom said...

Looks like a street sweeper. Put a municipal logo on it and the picture will be complete!

Erik said...

I keep getting Mad Max flashbacks!

martvol said...

Asphalt snow mobile...or would that be asphaltmobile?

EvilZed said...

Looks like a freakin' Zamboni.

Anonymous said...

Maybe call it a Hamboni or Miniboni

J-S said...

It keeps getting weirder and weirder on every appearance on the front page.

You are so lucky you can drive such insane creation over there. Here, you are border line illegal if you change the color of your bike… pfff! I think I’m going to move!
