Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Translate that plate?


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ST Hillbilly said...

It's a palindrome for one thing. I don't know what else, but I like it.

Unknown said...

...guess he want's to be doin' 90...?

Unknown said...

uppercase 'Z' in ascii, would be a good plate on a nissan i guess

Donna Ghost Bear said...

No, that would be a "Z" in Binary code...not ascii.

blalor said...

Z, 0x5a, or 90. Take your pick. Not sure I get either... Or 132 in octal?

Joseph Bryan McCrary said...


You know you are a nerd when....


K03gsxr750 said...

(Terribly wild swing in the dark)

I got it, it was on his plate on his 90 z but the cops were able to call in the terribly confusing sequence and he was forced into buying a vibe to keep the insurance down.

Did I win?

Fletch said...

Maybe he just likes the band Clutch. 10001110101 is one of their songs. :-)

anonymous said...

It's some sort of binary, or he is a Clutch fan.

Flash2Crash said...

It's the countdown until Pontiac no longer exists in GM's lineup.

iiideuces said...


redxxrdr said...

5A in hex.

Unknown said...

There are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who dont.