Thursday, May 28, 2009

Now see, that's just bad form...

...elbows locked, toes too far forward on the pegs.  You're gonna crash and skin your bike up!  ;)

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Judge Judy said...

Bwaaaaaa ha haaa That Dude has a Tramp Stamp

Wolfie said...

The last thing his wife said to him on the way out the door: "White socks with those khaki pants! You better take them off."

Krysta in MKE said...

Why bother with a helmet? Road rash over 90% of your body would be unbelievably painful.

Bob said...

why the pants?

cobra6 said...

He wanted attention... and he's getting it.

Anonymous said...

well at least he has a helmet. :D

lone wolf said...

now can we stop with the safty crap from the sprot bike guys about the harley guys...lmao

wlwoods said...

"hmmm, did I forget to do something before I left the house? Oh yea, start the dishwasher, oh well"