Thursday, May 28, 2009

Little Tank


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OscarZ said...

that thing makes me want to touch my naughty bits.

Unknown said...

Looks like a 356 to me, though I'm not sure what model.

Cool to see it out burning up some roads.

cobra6 said...

It is (1) an early 356, or (2) a 356 derived racing Porsche, or (3) a modern Porsche knock off. It's hard to tell because there are conflicting clues in the photo. Note the old fashioned style of the mirrors, and the hold down straps on the bonnet which would lead you to believe it is an older vehicle. Then look at what appears to be the larger / more modern tires, the lack of any front bumpers and the tabs to secure the windshield. Details that could be interpreted differently.

Hopefully the owner will let us know the details.