Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weekly Update - March 25, 2009

Photos from the past 6 years are available in Our Store here.

Skipped the update last week, not much to talk about or show ya...the weekend-before-last being a miserable washout. Last weekend was great though, and the bikes and cars were out taking advantage of it.

TDOT is still working to improve conditions on the Dragon for motorcyclists. They've built a couple of earthen berms at dangerous run-off areas, and spent some time clearing back trees and fallen timber. I assume there is still more to do though, so give those guys some room, maybe a wave or thanks wouldn't be out of the question as well.

There's a big rain system moving through at the moment, but it should clear out by the weekend and be decent.

I want to talk for a moment about a new motorcycle program offered by NCHP we participated in. It's for motorcyclists in North Carolina and soon other states, possibly all states. It's called BikeSafe and basically it is a training program pairing police motorcycle officers with no more than 2 citizens per officer. The day consists of a classroom briefing, then a "short" 30 minute ride around the city to allow the officer to assess your skills and offer advice during the second, longer classroom session. Then there is a "long" ride for about an hour and a half around the city and out into the country roads where you apply some of the techniques learned in class. The whole thing is kept very suggestive, they're not there to tell anyone how to ride, or write anyone tickets, they are just trying to connect with riders in a more positive environment and bring the accident rate down without necessitating so much enforcement.

This is a program that has been very successful in the UK, and several assessors from other states were on-hand while we were there to carry the training back to their states (Illinois and Florida I believe) to begin the program there. Plus, the NHTSA is considering making it a national program available in all states.

Now here's the kicker: It is currently free! All you need is a bike, your endorsement, proof of insurance, and proper riding attire. If you live in NC and ride a bike, you'd be crazy not to take this class. These guys can ride like you would NOT believe, and I guarantee you will learn something no matter how long you've been riding.

If you don't live in NC, keep an eye out for BikeSafe to come to your state, and let your representatives know that you want to see this program available to you.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a really good program. Not only froma skill standpoint, but also letting people interact with police officers in a relaxed setting.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Right...if the only interaction you ever have with an officer is when you are being stopped for enforcement, what kind of opinion are you going to form of them?

HPIguy said...

Hey Killboy, how can I get some more info on this program? I wouldn't mind doing something like that.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

HPI: Follow the links in the text to their website. ;)

Scott said...

I'm GLAD you guys are back. I was missing my "fix!"

And kudos to the program. Believe it or not, here in TX, there's a similar program for firearms and law enforcement. The public is invited to come to the sheriff's range where deputies instruct on firearms safety, as well as classes about the laws. Granted, it's geared towards CHL folks, but what better way to learn?? I'm glad that they're doing something similar with bikes.

NISMO-FO said...

Sounds like a program that us bikers could have utilized a long time ago. Thanks for the info. on that. I'll definitely be keeping eyes/ears peeled for more info. here in VA.

And KB, you couldn't have said it any better with your first comment. Usually when bikers interact w/ the Po-Po, its normally not a positive experience. Especially when its a LEO who doesn't ride or care for the riding community.

HPIguy said...

Killboy, I'm a little "slow" today I guess. LOL I'll second Scott's comment as well. I missed my "fix" last week.....good to have you guys back.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Well I guess blue links in blue text wasn't the smartest thing...they were purple links for me sinse I had been to the site. Changed it to yellow text. ;)

HPIguy said...

^^ Thanks for the text change for us slow guys killboy. Well, I went to the site to check into it, and apparently like a lot of other state funded programs WNC has been left out.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Yeah it's a bit of a hump to Raleigh from over here...hopefully it will spread across the state a little more.

HPIguy said...

I hope so, I'd go take the course for sure.

Anonymous said...

We've had this type of program in parts of England for a while, and it really is a useful experience.

You really appreciate the skills that these guys have, and their smooth and fast riding on such heavy bikes puts many a sportsbike rider to shame.

It really is refreshing to meet them in a positive experience, and to find they are (mostly) human.

We also have the events with them on the track to learn cornering skills that are more suited to the road than the track.

bigd said...

That sounds like an awesome program. If they have that here in Texas I'm going to be all over it like a squid hittin the asphalt.

ky_airhog said...

Hey SteveRSVR...... It's pretty cool that you're viewing KB's site from England.... you ever been here and rode the Dragon?

RC 51 Mark said...

Hey D, Whats with the blog censorship ?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Had a little incident last night with a punk running his mouth in the comments, saying things he wouldn't dare say to me in person. Traced his IP though and sent all of it to his ISP. (Comcast Knoxville) Their Abuse department is on it now. ;)

spec,fx said...

I took this course in 2007, it was not only enjoyable,but kind of nice to bond in a weird sort of way,these guys were pretty cool for SHP ,after the course my instructor told me he would ride with me anywhere,makes you kinda feel good.One guy with us though was threatened with a ticket (jokingly) when he parked his bike in the handicap space at the HP training grounds.

RC 51 Mark said...

Thanks for the reply, a local too ! Shame.

martvol said...

You bring me to a question I would like to ask of the riding community.
Do you think it is OK for motorcyclist to park in the end caps in parking lots that are no parking for other vehicals? Up next to the building in the firelane?
I have said something to a few of these people, and lets just say I was no recieved warmly. What are your thoughts?