Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sloppy is not fast, "Big Jim".

This is not about what you ride, it's how you ride.

"Takin' turns"? You really think so? "Passing sportbikes"? Why is that something to be proud of? Ever consider the possibility he's just crusing through and doesn't want to see someone crash...waved you by hoping you'd settle down? I know I would. Then of course there's the fact he's driving in one lane, and you're using other people's lane plus your own.

Divided, we are easily conquered.

Why do some of you try so hard to divide us up? You are aware we are already a minority right? There are teams of people trying to pass laws to suppress us. Think it might be wise to stick together?


Unknown said...

there is was a video of this idiot, shot from the front of his own bike. it has been removed from youtube though.

115K DWG said...

Dude, what are you thinking..........oh that's right, you not. Dumb move, go home.

AggieSkabarbro said...

But everyone does it. . . . .Still not a good excuse. We try our best to keep people from crossing the line. Please dont join the crowd.

Unknown said...

^5 killboy

goose said...

Video is still up:

ST Hillbilly said...

A squid to the Nth at that!

115K DWG said...

I just watched his video. I wonder how many folks he scared the crap out of crossing the line. He would have had more fun running the curves in his own lane. That would have been a good test of his riding skills. Road King $20,000, riding lessons $50, showing the world you're an idiot....priceless.

EvilZed said...

That video was the worst display of riding I've ever witnessed. And to think he's proud of it. No skill points for using the entire road as your personal track, dude. Keep in your lane next time and you'll get to experience all 318.
BTW, nice gear.

ratrider955 said...

The dude who posted this video, left a comment on YouTube very defensive of "Big Jim" and very critical of sportbike riders. Seems like Jim is not the only "horses patootie" out there.

Casey Schoenbachler said...

Flaged as "Harmful Dangerous Acts"

everyone should do the same

jackpinefreddie said...

There are those who are good examples and those who are poor examples. KB's picture and your video are good examples of poor riding. So you passed a sport bike. And two cars. Whoopee. You also crossed the centerline so many times I lost count. Dude. Really. Do everyone a favor; make sure you have insurance, a filled out organ donor card and in the event you crash, please, please do it alone. I would hate to have some innocent rider or motorist hurt because of your poor riding.

iiideuces said...

Toolbox blocked comments on Youtube. Anyone can go fast using both lanes. Even cars.

Stephen said...

I flagged it a dangerous acts too, twice. If everybody does it, youtube will pull it since he can't be man enough to allow comments on his crappy riding skills. I rode the Dragon faster on my Beemer, and STAYED IN MY OWN LANE. What a clown!!!

Unknown said...

I watched his video and he was on the yellow line or crossed it about 102 times. WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!

Scotty J. said...


Anonymous said...

Hope he never tries NASCAR. Can't seem to hold a left turn.

turtlehuntincbr said...

i posted a comment on this video as soon as i saw it before he removed the comments. he then responded and also sent me a message challenging me to a race to show his riding skills in defense of his friend jim. Terrible riding.....just stay off the road.

ky_airhog said...

With all the communication out there about staying in your own lane.... this guy is effin' stupid! Not only can he not ride... he apparently thinks this is cool! I also ride a 2000 RK and he's a disgrace to us all!

Unknown said...

I don't have a sportbike, and I think he's a moron. I flagged it.

SuperChicken said...


In shorts no less.

red-zx6r said...

Wow, just wow. That is so sad. He was motivated, and willing to push his bike pretty hard, which I like to see, but there were so many terrible decisions throughout that video. (And his riding wasn't particularly smooth either; a multitude of mid-corner corrections, coasting way deep into the corner and then whacking the throttle...)

It sounds like riding with Jim is kinda like playing golf with people who don't follow the same rules, the foot-wedge, 2-tee-shot, walk up and drop instead stroke and distance, just gimme a 6 types of folks. "I shot a 70, how'd you do?"

I mean come on, as if you can even begin to compare yourself to anything.


Standman said...

I wonder what the video would look like slowed back down to real time.

Jimbozcrazy said...

The guy in this pic is a RETARD!

gxer988 said...

If You can't keep it in Your lane,
keep it in Your driveway,Moron.

Unknown said...

I flagged it too... I also went back to his last video and left a note there too... Join in since they stopped posting the one in question...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Who says a Harley can't take the curves? I guess your video answers that question.....

The video is back up.

Scotty J. said...

@red-zx6r: Hey, that's how I play golf, but then again I admit to shooting a 120 and cheating. Hell, that's just the front 9 LOL.

Unknown said...

I finally saw the video. I counted at least 7 near misses with other bikes and two tailgatings. And he thinks he's a great biker?
Even in the straights he couldn't keep it in his lane.
Too bad the cop didn't get him, but he u-turned and slunk away with his tail between his legs.

harleyrider said...

rock on dude, dont pay attention to these sportbikers who say they obey the law, ride as you will, just be careful. Keep posting the video on you tube, impressive on a harley. Ride hard or go home squids. Sorry Im the only one who supports you on this site.

iiideuces said...

Maybe it was not noticed but not all comments were left by sportbike riders. All motorbikers HD and otherwise should be ashamed of the way "BIG JIM" rides. This photo and the youtube video are nothing to be proud of. It is obvious by the comments that most of us on this forum understand that concept>

FerrisRN said...

HarleyRider...if you seriously agree with this douche nozzle's riding, please post the date and time you will be riding The Dragon so the ones who don't care to die can enjoy the day...

Joseph Bryan McCrary said...

Harley Rider,

You know I find it funny that you support the guy but then tell him to be careful. Show my one part in the video where he is doing just that...

No gear, double yellow, risking the lives of those around him. But he is ok, at least he has his brain bucket on. 5 bucks says its on the back seat in S.C.

Why don't you take the adivice from the picture below yours. Notice his line...

Oh and as for turning "the under engineered price tag." I will be impressed when the saddlebag gaurds are chewed up from staying in your own lane.

All bikes have a right to be on the road, and everyone has the right to enjoy it. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.

Adam Minort said...

Man, how can this guy not feel dizzy riding like this?
I couldn't watch more than 4 minutes of this because I got tired of covering my eyes at those near-miss head-on's.

ewfflyer said...

I sure hope it's not one of my family or friends that's around that next corner when he's swinging into the other lane.

I don't care what you're in/on, be it bike(any type), scooter, truck, car, or bicycle. If you can't stay in your lane, and respect everyone else out there(includes straight roads too!), you need to learn because it will come back and get you, and hopefully no one else will be involved in your mistakes.

AggieSkabarbro said...

I'll agree with HarleyRider. I am guilty of riding in the other lane, when someone waves me by. Thats it. If i come up to a slow car I'll wait till a strait, they pull over, or wave me by. There is a safe, yet still illegal!, way to accomplish this.

EvilZed said...

aggie, did you see the video? He was not crossing the line only when waved by. He was in the other lane almost as much as he was in his, even without passing other vehicles. He was crossing over even in the straights. His riding was completely unacceptable and unimpressive on a public road. Maybe on a track, yes. BTW, I flagged the video, too.

Unknown said...

He now has a rebuttle vid up...

and hes still missing the point.

FerrisRN said...

I think it's funny he challenged someone to a race to defend "big tool" er...Big Jim...

Nicholas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trip said...

Hey Darry, you should take his challenge on your fiddy. That would be funny to destroy him that way and teach him you can stay in your lane and still go fast.

Stephen said...

The comments on his rebuttal video are getting good. He is going to disable comments soon I am sure. I have left a few now. Like how I Jim doesn't need gear because his loud pipes will save him.

SuperChicken said...

The guy has some real anger problems. said...

The point is: No one here is making this much effort to post comments on these other videos with crotch rockets riding badly. Why is that? You have only picked out a Harley rider. I bet that you haven't harassed them on their web sites either. If someone doesn't want to hear your opinion...That's their right. It's also their right to delet or turn off comments. You can easily search for these crotch rocket videos and give them the same treatment. I'm supprised that Killboy would join in with this witch hunt. If the other Harley riders heard about this, I'm sure that he would feel it in his pocketbook. The videos will stay just because I enjoy seeing all you little turds get pissed off and can't really do anything about it. Enjoy...more to come!

Joseph Bryan McCrary said...

When someone crosses there are always alot of comments about it however, you are gloating about it. Thats why we have singled you out. Your sitting there beating your chest that you have done something great.

There are some great cuizer riders out there. I mean come on, go watch the yellow wolf videos... He hugs the white line and is still going faster than you on a bike that weights more than yours.

jm3 said...

flagged it,

I say take it to the track and see how many of us sportbike riders he'll pass there... He's gunna need a bigger set of balls to make that happen in an open enviroment.

culliganman said...

To reply to theazzkicker comments.

People like Killboy and myself constantly try and point folks in the right direction as far as riding and driving safely.
He nor I don't really care what you are doing as long as you play nice and don't put other folks in danger by riding or driving careless. Stupidity is universal at the Dragon.. I educate/inform/yell at/scold/bitch/jump up and down at, folks as much as possible about bad passing and overall carelessness and so does Darryl.
You get some of folks that get their little feelings hurt when you point out the error in there way's.
Most people do actually understand and admit they were wrong.
If you love the road you have to take the bull by the horns and call these folks out and let them know it ain't ok to do that....
Some feathers will get ruffled in the process but that's the price you pay to try and save lives..
Love ya,Suzy;)

jm3 said...

what "BIG jim" doesn't consider it that even when he goes down for riding as wreckless as the others, everyone of us would stop if we were the ones who witnessed his folly... There is a comraderie amongst us... When the chips are down Big Jim I'll make sure you aint dead when you fall of your bike or get smashed by a semi.

iiideuces said...

jm3, very good tongue in cheek humor. An absolute true statement though. I would stop for ANY rider that was down.

ratrider955 said...

jm3,you were talking about B J's balls, I don't believe he has any. Why else would he ride so badly and then posture about being such a badass, just like "theazzkicker". Man, what a poser.

FightersDomain said...

Invalid point "theazzkicker". Has nothing to do with what you ride or drive. There are probably a few hundred more like the ones below:

Scotty J. said...

I left a comment. Hell, I'm a cager and seem to be able to keep things in my own lane.

I've seen vids of Evo's driving like Big Dave or what ever his name is, and I call them on them as well. Here is how I drive a cage on the dragon. I've been called names because I'm too conservative, but I keep it on the track for the thrill, I'll drive the dragon with some spirit, but with respect to everyone.

here is the reply I posted for Big Jim:

It doesn't matter what other people do. Posting videos of other people being just as much of a tool as yourself does not qualify your actions. You're still a tool.

Post some impressive track times, and maybe you'll have something to brag about.

Joshua said...

What more can be said? All i know is that i ride a sport bike, my brother and dad both ride harleys. guess what we all rode through here and had a freakin blast stayin in our own lane!! i dont know about "big jim", or any other of the sport bikers he reposted with on you tube, but i really like my head and really would like to keep it attached to my shoulders!! "Its not the bike you ride its how you ride." well said!!!

Unknown said...

My first time riding the Dragon (2001) was on a 1997 Honda Pacific Coast (aka PC800) and I was way better than Big Jim. That year I rode it 13 times in one weekend. I also rode it at night and in the rain.
Francois St. Laurent use to have a PC800 until some asshat (like Big Jim) took a corner wide and caused Francois to high side his bike. Rider stopped, looked back at Francois and saw he was moving, took off. Francois had several broken ribs and a broken collar bone.
I'll take Francois with his PC800 w/trailer against Big Jim for the win. Francois would be seeing Big Jim in his rear view mirror for about the first 15 seconds. After that, he would never see him again. And all the time keeping it in his lane.
Killboy, keep this picture up for a couple more weeks.

AggieSkabarbro said...

has this picture set the record for number of posts yet? lol

bankerbikerchik said...

I still cant find the video.......

killgurl said...

To Big Jim, his video posting friend, and other supporters of lane crossing...take a minute to think about one thing, think about the person that you love most in your life. I'll give you time to think here.........

Ok, so, let's say it's your wife or daughter for example, how much do you love her? What would you do to make sure she's safe? Now think about this, she gets hit head on, by a careless person driving/riding in the wrong lane. You arrive at the scene to see her in the ditch, injured. Now, again take a moment to think about how you would feel toward the person or persons that hit her. Would you go over and give them a pat on the back and say "Man you were riding hard and that sure was some impressive riding", or would you want to walk up to them and punch 'em? Remember this person that is responsible for injuring the person you love most in your life, who is still laying in the ditch in pain, and ends up having to have surgery to fix the bodily damage the careless driver has caused.

Now imagine having to deal with the emotional wreck that your loved one now is. She can't sleep, can't eat, can't even ride in a car with out being in tears. These are emotional and physical scars that will be with her for the rest of her life. Again how would you feel toward the person that had done this to her. I doubt you would be telling them how impressive their riding was.

Well this is what Darryl is going through with me. As most of the people that read this blog know, I was riding my sportbike and was hit head on by another biker that crossed the center line. I spent 2 and half days in UT hospital and had to have surgery to fix my broken wrist/arm, I now have 5 screws, 2 pins, and a plate in my left arm.Darryl has had to see me at my lowest point dealing with physical and emotional pain as result from that accident. We've been the victims of this type of careless driving, and wouldn't wish for anyone to have to go through this. There are times that I still can't go across deals gap with out being in tears. It was very hard for me to watch the video on you-tube of Big Jim, it brought back a lot of painful memories. I do my best to not hate on all people that ride the type bike that hit me, just because of what one of them did to me, not all of them are that careless.

When you're out riding think of your loved ones and how you would feel if this happened to them. You wouldn't want to put someone else through that pain would you? Now think what if someone did this to you....

Please be safe out there and keep it your lane, if you do, at the end of the day everyone gets to go home happy, including you.

This is not an attack on Big Jim, it's reaching out trying to help him, and others that think lane crossing is ok, understand that lane crossing is wrong. There have been people that we've called out for bad driving before and are now good friends with them, that's because they are man enough to realize that driving/riding like that is dangerous. And they were very thankful that someone pointed it out to them, before they hurt some. You may cross that line 200 hundred times and nothing ever happens, or you could cross it one time and hit someone, is it really worth the risk? Realizing fault and being man enough to admit it will earn you much more respect and many more friends, than continuing to condone this type of carelessness.

It's not what you ride, be it a cruiser, sportbike, touring bike, trike, or scooter, but how you choose to ride it.

115K DWG said...

Killgurl, your statements are the best here and that's including my own. Hopefully others will read your words and take them to heart. You go Gurl. :)

DC said...


Jimbozcrazy said...

^5 Killgurl

Joe, harleyrider, azzkicker...

If KG's message didn't sink in, please read the following sentance three times aloud quickly:


jazzmann said...

KG, after that, there's nothing else that can be said. It's the perfect response to what is really at issue here. It's not about us vs. them, fast vs. slow, it's about making a conscious decision to commit an act that puts someone else's life at risk. And the very real consequences that can come of it.

There is no valid argument against what you said, so let's see if Big Jim & crew are man enough now to suck it up and admit what they do and/or condone is wrong. You guys reading this? You gonna try to tell KG she's wrong and continue to defend your riding? What do you say now?

kbmom said...

OK I'm upset now! Don't they understand that doing such a stupid thing can ruin someone's life FOREVER. Our KG has been through this and so has KB. It is so easy to stop this kind of action -- DON'T CROSS LANES. I am not a rider and even I can see that there isn't time to get back over if you meet someone -- so just don't go over to start with, PROBLEM SOLVED!! It seems that some think "Oh, I know what I'm doing - I can get back over if I need to." WRONG! And it doesn't matter if you're riding a tricycle -- DON'T CROSS LANES!

Please learn from KG's experience and keep the roads safe for everyone all the time. She has lived in this area all her life and loved to ride and be free on the road and now look what someone has taken from her -- forever.
It could be you or your loved one next.

Hang in there Lori - we love you!
kbmom said...

I see KG's point and don't dispute that careless driving can lead to serious accidents. All of you guys are ignoring my point. My point is: This is America...I can post anything that want just as you and KB can post anything, but I don't have the right to force my opinion on anyone! The video comments were turned off and you still tried to force your opinions and beleifs on me and tried to force your opinions on my viewers. Do you think that you have the right to do this? You are even posting comments of "Big Jim's" video on my other videos. There again forcing your opinion on someone. You even create names such as Big Jim & Big Tool. I'm not forcing my opinion or beleifs on you. You can easily turn the video off or KB can easily deleate this comment. We all have that right! If you want to post your comments, post them where there are welcome or put them on your on youtube account. I have researched most of you and have found few that have uploaded riding videos and the majority of them shows wrecklessness. Maybe the TN Riders should pratice what they preach. As far as the threats...You guys seem to be pretty brave while behind the keyboard.
Added: July 24, 2008 (Less info)
The point is: No one here is making this much effort to post comments on these other videos with crotch rockets riding badly. Why is that? You have only picked out a Harley rider. I bet that you haven't harassed them on their web sites either. If someone doesn't want to hear your opinion...That's their right. It's also their right to delet or turn off comments. You can easily search for these crotch rocket videos and give them the same treatment. I'm supprised that Killboy would join in with this witch hunt. If the other Harley riders heard about this, I'm sure that he would feel it in his pocketbook. The videos will stay just because I enjoy seeing all you little turds get pissed off and can't really do anything about it. Enjoy...more to come!

EvilZed said...

Thanks, killgurl, for having the strength to make the defining statement of the entire argument.

Stephen said...

Lori is exactly who I had in mind when I watched the video. I had the pleasure of meeting her shortly after the accident, on her first weekend back at the Gap. I see enough accidents caused by cages on the wrong side of the road causing a bike to leave the road or be hit. We don't need to do this very thing to a fellow biker.

jazzmann said...

AZZLICKER, you still just don't get it, do you? I've been on this site every week for the last 4 years and I can tell you that the driver/rider of every type of car and bike has been called out for lane crossing at one time or another. There is no special treatment or singling out of any rider or driver no matter what he/she is on or in when it comes to lane crossing on this site. But you and your numb-nutted friend come into our playground, sh*t the place up with your sloppy-assed dangerous riding, then post a video of it, crowing about passing sportbikes as if they're some kind of second class citizens. OF COURSE people are going to jump all over you and your damned bad-ass (NOT!) video. Yeah, there are a lot of sportbike videos on YouTube where they're doing the same bad stuff, but they're not drawing attention to themselves, calling out Harley riders, which, BTW I am one - a Sportster 1200-S, and in general just asking for a confrontation. And we're not the YouTube police with a mission to search out every lane-crossing video and bust on the rider's bad skills, so yeah, there are a lot of videos out there that you won't find comments on. But when you come to our house, start attracting the kind of attention you did, and then go boasting about it as if sport riders are the enemy, well yeah, you can bet people are gonna come after you. This has nothing to do with what you ride, it's how you ride and how you've conducted yourselves afterward. There's a saying you might want to take heed of: It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Oops! Too late for that. You guys are beyond fools, you are complete jackasses. Good luck with your H-D rider boycott of the Dragon. I think you'll find that a) most riders of any type of bike will stand against your riding and the opinions you've expressed (all of the H-D riders I know are safe riders and respectful of others) and b) any riders that do join your boycott are probably just as dangerous as you and just as unwelcome back at the Gap. So please, do us a favor and just stay home, or go find some other innocent unsuspecting motorists to terrorize. said...

Jizzman or faggman what ever you are...You guys started it and you continue to encourage it. Just like starting some stupid rumors that I'm starting a boycott. I have never said anything about a boycott. How stupid! If anything, I'll be up there more often this year. Your threats don't bother me. You still don't realize that you don't own or control the dragon. Oh by the way...My wife started learning how to ride on a Sportster also. May one day you'll be good enough to get a bigger bike.

Stephen said...

Uh Oh Jazzman, now you are going to get the email threatening to have a bunch of goons hunt you down and kick your ass.

Stephen said...

And I knew the "Sportster is not a real bike was coming..."

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Yes, shame on killboy for caring about his friends, family, and customers. No one should do business with a person like that.

I post a thousand positive comments about cruiser riders, (the evidence is right there - Archives link on the right) and as soon as I say one negative thing about a rider causing problems, "Well you hate Harley riders!"

I never called your friend any names, you are the one referring to him as "Big Jim" in your video...that's all we know him by. What other people say is beyond my control.

I do not believe in deleting comments, as it's a form of censorship.

Stop by again any time, next time you don't have to wait until you think I'm alone though...I never am. We are all still fellow riders as far as I'm concerned.

killgurl said...

I do thank you for considering my point of view and acknowledging that careless driving has it consequences. In no way was my post intended to force my opinion on you or anyone else, I was simply asking for people to think about their actions and how it can affect other people. I want to do what I can to keep what happened to me from happening to someone else. I hope you and your wife never have to go through what my husband and I have been through. I wish her all the best in learning to ride.

I don't think that anyone is telling you that you don't have the right to post the video or the right to your own opinion, but I haven't kept up will all the post outside of our site and ETR. I think the majority of the people are trying to point out the dangers of that type of riding, to hopefully keep someone from getting hurt. Granted some people could have gone about it in a better way. Calling someone names isn't exactly going to get them to listen to what you are saying.

You do have the right to post almost any video you want( within the limitations of you-tube of course), and you are free to have your own opinion, just as everyone else is. Although we are members of the ETR forum, it is not our forum, and we do not control what people on there say or do. The people of ETR are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They will often go out of their way to help someone in need, regardless of the type vehicle they are driving. There are several comments on our blog under this photo, some are supporting the video and photo, and some not supporting it. Each person on the blog and ETR is an individual that is entitled to their own opinion, just as you are. It just happens that more people seem to have a difference in opinion than you do. We did not tell any of them about the video, or tell them to comment on it, nor did we encourage the commenting on the video. Neither of us have posted comments on you-tube about your video. The only thing we wish to encourage is safety, so that everyone may enjoy the road without worrying about being taken out. I know when someone says something bad about you or your friend you naturally want to defend them. Just as I want to defend my husband and myself against the comments that you made about us and our site.

In no way are we attacking Harley Riders or any other type of bikers.So for you to say that we (and by we, I mean my husband and myself) are attacking and only targeting HD riders, that's a bit of a stretch don't ya think. So to loop us into what everyone else is saying isn't fair, or correct to say the least.

Had the rider in the photo happen to be on a sportbike, it would have gotten the same reaction. A couple weeks ago we had a photo of a touring bike in the wrong lane and it was a car before that, does that mean we hate all touring bike riders are car drivers? No. People tend to only see what they want to see, and believe what they want to believe. We've had several photos of all kinds of bikes and cars in the wrong lane on our site. And yes there have been comments made on sportbike photos and car photos just like the ones made on this photo, it has been a while since one got this much attention. There have been members of ETR post their own videos (riding sportbikes) on the ETR forum and got flamed much worse than you and your friend have, which ended with the videos having to be removed. There is a stir like this over a video or photo about once every year or two, this time it happens to be a video you posted. But because the previous incidents didn't directly involve you, you tend to not remember them, everyone is like that. In a week or two people will have moved on, and you and your video will be a thing of the past, people will still talk about it, but it won't be as popular.

I'm sorry you had to meet my husband under these circumstances and that you think he's attacking you and your friend. If you got to know him, I'm sure you'd realize he isn't the bad person that you may think he is. He is a good friend to many people. And he'd be the first to help a person in need, even you. He truly cares about Deals Gap and the surrounding area, and does what he can to make it a safer place for EVERYONE. He has spent countless hours sweeping debris out of the road, cleaning up oil spills, escorting semis, and helping people with bike troubles. He puts himself out there, to make it a safer environment for everyone. So it makes him and easy target to point the figure at when someone isn't happy or when something bad happens. This is solely my opinion, but I think you are missing out on knowing a truly wonderful person. He's just tried of seeing the separation between the bikers and seeing friends and family get hurt. We've all got enough to deal with from non-bikers, without hating amongst ourselves. Driving a car and riding is not a right, it is a privilege, and it is one that can be taken away. But everyone has the right to be safe and not worry about wreckless drivers. As long as you have a valid drivers license you can ride or drive anywhere you want to. I hope you continue to enjoy riding in the Deals Gap area, just keep the risk of careless driving in mind while you ride, and remind your friends of the risk also. Anytime you see me out and about feel free to come on over and talk with me. Like I said I'm not hard to spot, short hair with some fruity color mixed in it and tattoos, oh and you can't miss the big lump on my right collar bone.

Mr. Azzkicker has acknowledged that careless driving can lead to serious accidents, so let's cut him some slack. I think that is all anyone really wanted, is to hear you admit that riding like that is dangerous. Personally I'm tired of all the drama and arguing back and forth. I'm done with this internet arguing, it's as useless as a fart in a hurricane, so let's all just chill.

goose said...

I think I love you, Lori... :)

(Darryl don't kill me please LOL)

jm3 said...

she said fart in a hurricane...

That's all folks... Argument over...

racerguy9 said...

i watched this amazing video and ill admit, also while watching and reading all the posts on this has made me dizzy also people get a life , i guess all these people are bored to death to have put all this attention to this video . ive been to the gap numerous times and there are dozens of people doing the same thing so give it a break if u want to go slow and have flashing lights on your body so people can see u go ride on the parkway and leave the gap alone!!!!

Casey Schoenbachler said...

KillGurl 4 President!!!!

Seriously, well said.

rdhunt1 said...

Lori, still hoping your are getting better. Looked for you 7/20 through 7/23 to compare wrist scars. Excellent post. My wife rides beside me on her monster. I have been riding longer than her, and if I could miss someone in my lane and she could not I would most likely end up in jail. I would not have the self control.

I spent 4 days at the gap for a few hours every day. Had to avoid a few that were close or slightly in my lane, and I could. Good time, had fun. Really glad I did not have to come face to face with this cat on the road during my stay.

KB, KG, and after meeting KB2(babe)I thank you guys for all the work you do and a BUNCH of awesome pictures. I adore this road, even if I only get to it once a year.

Call em out. The people that I ride/drive with are careful not to cross the center and when they do feel lucky(as well as foolish) they did not injure anyone and try not to do it again. Some people care, unfortunetly, others don't. And until $hit happens to them, they won't.

Rock on, get better, know some people don't/won't get it. It's too bad when it's one of your own, (on a bike regardless of type) because they should understand.

Jimbozcrazy said...


KB didn't turn off or delete any coments....

KB, KG, KM, KD and all the rest of the crew at, thank you for all that you guys do in keeping this little stretch of a little known US hwy safer. Your efforts do not go un-noticed. The vest majority of us (Riders of ALL types of bikes) are greatful.

karl_1052 said...

I have been in an accident where a car was in my lane. It is because of this that I am a slow rider, I will never be 'fast', and I have no desire to be 'fast'.
It is because of riders(and car drivers) like Big Jim that I will never visit Deals Gap. Carelessness like that is something that I do not wish to see firsthand.

bigd said...

I'm only going to make one comment about this lane crossing thing and then I'm done. If anyone thinks a motorcycle can't kill someone riding in a car, think again. A friend of my father's was killed when a motorcyclist crossed lanes and hit his pickup head on. He walked away from it and seemed ok. A week later he was dead from a blood clot that started in his foot when one of the pedals smashed a blood vessel. I'm no doctor and don't know exactly how that happens but it did. You just never know what's going to happen and the body's a fragile thing. Please think about that when you're putting other peoples lives in jeapordy.

Stephen said...


Google "pulmonary embolism" and you will probably find a few sites that tell you how it can happen. What a tragic thing to have happen.

Trip said...

This is just a sampling from June/July of 2008. It seems Darryl calls everyone out for crossing the yellow now doesn't it?

RaTz said...

Some 'flying' HD indeed

harleyrider said...

Sorry to hear your story Killgurl, wish you well. However, it does not apply to this situation. The person that hit you was not intintionaly crossing the lane. He was riding over his head and did not know the road. It was completly an accident. He blew the corner. I dont know of any intentional lane crossers causing a accident.

In "big jims" situation, he knows his bike, seems to know the road and can see through the corners. He DID NOT HAVE ANY CLOSE CALLS.

You know what happens at the gap and that is the risk you take riding such a road. If you dont like it, dont come.

Lets dont forget some of the fastest sportbike ol timers are all over the road.

F8TL GT said...

I don't care how many times you've ridden the dragon or how many times you have ridden your own bike for that matter. What about the unsuspecting person coming in the other lane? Who cares if he didn't have any "close calls" this time. What about the next? or the next? All that it takes is 1 mess-up that could end your life. Hell, even 1 close call can end your life... 1 swerve to the left or the right can end it for everyone out there.

I go to the dragon about every weekend and I rarely see such stupidity and blatant disregard for ones own life or the hundreds/thousands of other people that decide to go there that day.

And about your HD bashing comments... I have ridden both. I owned a CBR1000RR and 2 CBR600's and my father has had HD's his whole life. Now he has a 08Electraglide full dresser which I ride whenever I visit him in Illinois. I've also ridden to Sturgis with HD riders....

Your arguement makes no sense... yes we all know this is america. If you have the right to post whatever videos you want... that also means we can post whatever comments we want(good or bad).It's funny how that works. And aren't you also sitting behind your keyboard talking sh** to everyone else? And who cares what someone is riding.. it's still a bike. It's not like you have the BEST bike in the world.. it's a HD. What's so special about yours? It's a basic bike with a few chrome add ons. You even have cheap ass saddle bags. I hope when i'm out there I don't see you in a ditch...and when I get down to help you.. I will be saying "We told ya so"

As for killboy only targeting you. It seems that you need to visit the site more often... because you will see between 3-5 posts/week with some idiot in the wrong lane. In each title you will also find that Darryl pokes fun at them as well... just as your picture.

Keep up the good work KB & KG.

Jimbozcrazy said...

Harleyrider, you're an idiot! In more ways than one, but let me explain just a couple...

How can you say he didn't have any close calls, did you NOT SEE THE VIDEO? Are you BLIND???

You have just truely revealed to the world that you are a complete moron and nothing you say should be taken with any amount of consideration.

You can say he knows the road...
You can say he knows his bike...
You MIGHT even be able to say he could see through SOME of the corners he blew...
You can't say he didn't have any close calls!

Anyone who thinks they know the road or their bike well enough to ride like that is a FOOL and will soon be another goober sliding down the asphalt wondering "how could this have happened?" and it WILL NEVER be their own fault. Those riders ALWAYS blame someone else in every case. After all, they know their bike and their limitations... right? GOOBERS!

Harleyrider.... you got NOTHIN!

Infamous Angel said...

No, this is a little bit about Harley Riders. And Big Jim is typical of it. They don't give a crap about how their actions affect other people. If they want loud pipes, by god, they're going to have them. Doesn't matter if it wakes people up, scares little children, and gets noise or (god forbid) ordinances banning all motorcycles.

It's this whole badass/independent thing that these cretins cling to. When in fact they ride a bike like everyone else, buy their accessories like everyone else, dress like everyone else . .

. . and that's enough to be annoying.

But to extend that corporate (HD) fed "rebel" bullsh*t attitude to crossing the line at the Dragon? And then BRAGGING about it?

I'm not talking about all Harley riders. I've even kicked around getting one--Softail Deuce when it was still produced.

But I won't buy in to this small pecker mentality that my Harley Davidson says something about the size of my johnson. And I won't ride it for "performance." Not only does Big Jim not understand his own limitations, he's stupid enough to defend them.

Infamous Angel said...

Postscript: I've only been to the dragon once--an amazing experience.

But I just may never go back. It's too famous for it's own good. To many fools like Big Jim. It only takes 1 in 100 to kill you.

Infamous Angel said...

Sorry for spamming . . but I had another thought.

People come to the Dragon precisely because of the turns and curves.

Why would anyone want to straighten/cut them out? Doesn't it defeat the purpose? What are you trying to prove?

Not only are you putting other lives in danger, you're taking some of the fun out of it for yourself.

Jimbozcrazy said...

Just the facts:

Video title "... Head on with COP"

For the purposes of this post;

Cross center line is defined as anytime the lense of the camera was over the center line.

Near miss is defined as anytime "Big Jim" was crossing the center line and occupying the same lane as oncoming traffic OR had to correct his line for oncomming traffic.

In Big Jim's Northbound run:

Crossed center double yellow - 86 times

Near Misses - 17
Cars - 3 (1 THP cruiser)
Bikes - 12
Pickups - 2

Call me a liar I dare ya!

Anonymous said...

First off, I ride a 2008 Harley Road King Classic so no one can say I am a sportbike rider bashing a Harley. Second, I have not seen the video only the picture of his dumbass in the wrong lane. Third, this Big Jim and anyone else that rides the gap or any road wrecklessly is an idiot! No matter what you ride, ride smart.

Anonymous said...

infamous angel, you are an idiot as well. I have owned 8 Harleys in my 37 years, still have 2 of them. My friends and I are the ones that make the charity poker runs, toys for tots runs, charity rides for fallen bikers, Harley is the biggest supporter of Muscular Distrophy Assn etc... We are good people just like the Sportbike riders. You have good and bad in both groups.

Its not what you ride dumbass, its how you carry yourself.

Oh about the loud pipes thing, have you heard some of the sportbikes lately or are you deaf. I can hear them coming before I can hear my friends coming on their Harleys. I run stock pipes on my Road King and will continue to do so, so dont say I take up for loud pipes when I dont even run them.

Obviously you are a sad human being when you have to start dragging your small penis size into this whole blog about a dumbass, like yourself, crossing the line and endangering fellow riders, no matter what they ride.

Now if you really want to get in some kind of pissing match about all this, we can settle this issue at the Microtel Inn in Robbinsville, NC Labor Day Weekend. I will be glad to pull down my pants and show you that I do not have to have a Harley to make my Penis feel bigger. I will be the guy on the 08 Road King Classic, Vivid Black, with Mississippi Plates, I will be sitting on the bench in front of the Microtel at 7:00PM until 7:15PM on Saturday August 30. Call out my name: Donald

*There will be no touching in case you are some kind of fag or something!*

jazzmann said...

Wow, this conversation has really descended to a new low, and isn't accomplishing a damned thing anymore. Everything that can be said about this has already been said, now it's just posturing and chest thumping. Whaddya' say we just give it a rest?

bigd said...

No jazzman. I want to hear from the guys that ride sport bikes powered by Harley motors! :)

racerguy9 said...

I thought that this wasn't about targeting HD riders. I guess that this truth sliped out because you sure pissed off nedyahr. I don't ride a HD either but, nedyhar is exactly right.

After reading all of these comments, it does seem like a one way street. You can deny it all you want but, it's the truth.

"Can't we just get along!"

Rodney King

racerguy9 said...

Hey nedyahr, can I video tape the Unit Showing and post it on youtube? Of course I'm sure that there will be people complaining that the video shows dangerous acts and made them so dizzy that they could hardly watch it. If your lucky Killboy will get a shot of it and post a new blog.

turtlehuntincbr said...

it is kind of funny to think about two guys in the parking lot of a hotel waving their pickles at each other.

racerguy9 said...

Wiggle all you want...just keep it in your own lane!

Scotty J. said...

This reminds of what stuck the lane crossing visual in my head. And it wasn't even on the ToD.

I was in my Miata, I was driving some of the back roads and two sport bikes came around a corner. The must have been doing at least 80mph.

I don't condone that type of driving or riding, but I was amazed at their control. The were 100% in control of what they were doing, they were 100% in their lane with no drift over.

That left, and still leaves a lasting impression in my mind. Had I been just taking a chance one time on that curve, there is no way either would have survived.

There is a lot of "it's about me" out there, hell I know I've been there. But that experience made me realize how fast things can happen. said...

Hi Killgurl,
You seem to be the only other intelligent person on this blog. I agree with the majority of the message that you wrote. It’s too bad that we had to meet this way and under these circumstances. You do seem to be a nice person and seem to be sincere in your beliefs.
Please don’t take my story as an attack on yourself.
I would like for you to hear my side and to correct you on a few comments that you have made and some things that you possibly didn’t know about. This drama basically started when the ETR started bombarding their comments on the video. I simply turned the comments off because it is my option and my right to do as I please on my sites. That should have been the end of it. Unfortunately it wasn’t the end. For some reason some of the ETR members think that I am in the wrong and that I don’t have the right to remove comments from my own sites. They also seem to think that I have to listen and to post their comments publicly. So they did the next best thing by posting their comments on other videos and e-mailing my personal website. I then started researching who these people were and it led me to the ETR website. There I found these comments:
O7/23/08 8:45
wonder if Darryl captured any of their riding that day? He's updating Killboy now, how cool if he could have gotten him on the front page...

Bringer of Disappointment

Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Robbinsville, NC
Posts: 1,007

Now he's added:


If that's the case, he should turn on commenting, that'll generate tons of return traffic.
Darryl Cannon

All that this did was encourage a frenzy. I can see why Darryl opened a blog on his web page:
Darryl defines cool.
Great job!
Darryl defines cool.
====================================================Great job!
Preach it Killboy !
That dude is my HERO!!!!!

I’m sure if feels good to have all of these people cheering him on. I’m also sure that he didn’t think of the results of this free for all while he was soaking in his glory.

In no way are we attacking Harley Riders or any other type of bikers.So for you to say that we (and by we, I mean my husband and myself) are attacking and only targeting HD riders, that's a bit of a stretch don't ya think. So to loop us into what everyone else is saying isn't fair, or correct to say the least.

This is why I said that was participating in this witch hunt. In fact, it would not have grown so big if it had not posted it on your site. If you look at the ETR website, you’ll see that the majority of the post stopped and they moved it over to your site. They can now draw more attention to the video and their comments now that the blog is posted on a more popular website. This basically gives the ERTs and the video greater exposure. Now you have people from all over the country riding the Dragon every week and they see your KILLBOY.COM ad. Now they are looking at your site and run across the blog. Then they go to the video to see what all the arguing is about. That is why there are 4,400 views in one week. I personally don’t care if they watch the video, but the people on this blog don’t want anyone to see the video, but in truth they are part of the cause for such a large viewing numbers. Notice that there are less than 100 comments on this blog but there are 4,400 views of the video. This only proves that the people that visited your site, viewed the video and either didn’t want to comment on your blog or they disagreed with the opinions of ETR and didn’t want to be bombarded themselves.

Just think about what I’m saying.

Personally I'm tired of all the drama and arguing back and forth. I'm done with this internet arguing, it's as useless as a fart in a hurricane, so let's all just chill.

Like I said, it’s unfortunate that we met this way and it has gone this far. I’ll take you up on your offer and look you up next time we’re up that way. I think you would enjoy meeting my wife.

I probably won’t be commenting on your blog anymore.

killgurl said...

Yes harleyrider, my situation was a little different. But whether it was someone crossing intentionally, or blowing the turn, it does not change the fact that I got hit by someone that was in my lane. And it doesn't change how a person can be affected psychically or mentally, as result of being hit by someone in their lane. All I'm asking is that people think about the consequences of their actions, be it crossing the center line intentionally or riding over your head and blowing the turn. The consequences are the same in both situations, you can seriously injure another person come in the other direction, and screw them up for life. And yes I know what happens up there, and that's why I am very selective of when I ride.

There I go farting in that hurricane again, oh, well... that's about it for this weeks drama, moving on to a new week, a new update, and a new round of highlights.