Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Having flown a chopper myself...

...I can appreciate the complexity. (har!)


Flash2Crash said...

Oh, brother.

Trip said...

Darryl, I must say that your use of the ping pong balls for on a coaxial copter is uber lame. Those things fly easy.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Oh I agree, the "training wheels" are lame ASS...BUT, these things have really fragile landing skids, and I had already broken 2 with my harsh landings. (just learning here) I didn't have any more replacement skids with me for the day, so I put the trainers on there to protect my last set until my aftermarket "unbreakables" arrive. (look like stockers but made of stiff rubbery plastic) It's so easy to launch though, the trainers are really not necessary even for a beginner other than crash absorption.

Trip said...

true, that's one reason I stopped flying. Repair eats up your pocketbook quick.

Scotty J. said...

only broken two? Sheesh bro, I keep a tackle box with just blade parts in it.

If you can't completely disassemble that thing and put it back to flying, you haven't got the bug yet LOL.

kbmom said...

Your nephew, Tanner, thinks it has "Clackers" (sp?) on it, hehe. Neat he says.
yo momma

crazyhorse said...

Darryl if you still have wobble on the top roter remove the top bearing and put the plastic one back on it is off center and if you give it a small twist you can take out all the wobble

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Thanks for the tip crazyhorse, I'll keep it in mind. That aluminum top bearing is a pain to get on the main shaft, and I can see where it could be on there crooked. It seems to spin pretty true most of the time though, with most of the wobble just caused by running damaged/mis-matched blades it seems. I snagged several sets of spares when I bought the thing, knowing it would happen. ;)