Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Weekly Update - March 3, 2008

Apparently all hail is supposed to break loose here tomorrow, so if you all don't hear anything else from us, you's been fun/I regret nothing. (Just kidding mom! We have a contingency plan ;)

Last weekend was freakin' beautiful and fairly busy on the Gap. We saw some sketchy riding/driving, and evidence of a few crashes, but I didn't hear of anything major. Keep in mind we're all a little rusty from the winter down time, so ease back into and let's try not to take each other out.

We've got a few hundred shots to sort through and we'll have them in the store shortly, with highlights here ASAP, but I've got a feeling we're going to be power-less tomorrow night, so I wanted to go ahead and get something posted here first.

For friends/family/those interested: Lori is slowly healing up...sometimes painfully, but that's the process I guess. Her wrist isn't bothering her so much, and she tried in vain to pull the clutch in on her bike the other day, but it wasn't happening. Her elbow is rather stiff to the point she can't straighten it, and the big bruise on her leg and pelvis have really been kicking her ass. Yay for Percocets!

Watching her changes in psychology has been like watching a plane crash...fascinating and scary. We've had to make a few trips across the Gap, and unless it's completely dark, they are alarmingly stressful for her. Last weekend was her first time across with any sort of sporty traffic out there, and wouldn't you know it, we got right behind the sketchiest rider on the road. There will be no hinting for identification purposes, but it was enough to bring Lori to tears after about 3 turns, and we had to pull over. They say it gets better with time, but I don't see how she'll ever be able to ride again at this rate. I even geared up to go for a ride myself Sunday and...well, let's just say that ain't happening anytime soon either.

Big thanks to everyone for the comments, flowers, cards...herbal salve. ;) We've got some xray scans to share with you shortly...


goose said...

Zero need to rush things, Lori... you hnng in there! ;)

Unknown said...

Healing of the body is the easy part, the mind may take a little longer. As much as as you may want to get right back up on the horse again, it may require small steps. Which, by the sounds of things, is what is happening.

Anyhoo, speedy recovery and all the best.

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

TampaTom said...

Lori, take your time. Many here share your pain from similar experiences. I lowsided on the dragon and broke my collarbone and 2 ribs about 4 years ago. It took me a long time to heal. I eventually did and started riding again. I did learn to be more defensive minded tho. I look at everything that is moving or could move as if it is out to get me, lol. I still have a hard time on that road but the passion is alive and I'm 64 yo. So you've got time. We all appreciate what you do and wish you well.

Doc said...


Take your time. Eventually you will need to get back on the horse. It takes awhile to heal psychologically. I was hit by a car and fortunately have amnesia for the event or it would be difficult for me.

Morgan said...

Lori don't worry about riding again until it seems like it might be fun. Just heal up and know that you are a very loved woman by alot of people who are pulling for you.

Darryl, hang tough, I know that this is trying on you also.

kawajones said...

i know just how you feel.I totalled my bike and took it as a sign that I was putting too much into riding when I should be doing something useful ie:going to church. It took six years before I got a new bike and when I got back on, I was extremely careful (still am). Now I've learned to put riding where it should be in my life and enjoy it as much as I did before the wreck if not more. Hang in there.

Erik said...

Hang in there Lori. Focus on getting your body healthy and your mind will follow.

Saiint said...

Lori, take time to heal. once the body is done then it gets easier

doubleshot100proof said...

i can't wait to see you back on the mountain, and in the wind. I am so glad you are recovering well, and you'll be in my prayers till i see you guys smiling from ear to ear at the gap again!

Desmo Demon said...

It will take time, and unless a person has been involved in a head-on, there is no comparison. A head-on is a different beast, as every time you see an oncoming vehicle, you anticipate it coming over the yellow after you.

I really don't know what you are feeling, Lori, but my wife sure does. She had a head-on with an Oldsmobile, which left her with a paralyzed left leg from the knee down. Due to physical issues and many surgeries, she finally got back on a bike a year after it happened. First on the back of mine for about 9000 miles, then on her own bike a year later. Her first year she got in over 7000 miles of twisty fun, and last year she got in about 12,000 miles.

I'd suggest riding in a car until you are comfortable with that, then ride as a passenger with Darryl so you have the opportunity to close your eyes if you need to. Not until you feel pretty comfortable going fairly slow as a passenger (with your eyes open :wink: ) should you attempt to even think of riding your own bike. The last thing you need is to freeze and go off in a ditch because you weren't prepared for that guy who "looked" like he was going to cross the line.

Don't force it, take your time, and don't forget that riding is supposed to be fun.

OldSchool Gixxer's Husband

Anonymous said...

Time heals PTSD, or makes you neurotic. My wife learned how to drive by crashing into the base commander's car in the BX parking lot. Lot's of PTSD. Then I married her and had to teach her how to drive a 4-speed in England on the wrong side of the road. Impossible. Even the overpaid driving instructors gave up. Eventually she got it, did some racing schools, and now she's good to go on the Dragon. So maybe a race school or track day is the safest way to get back into riding, without fear of oncoming traffic?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

That's actually not a bad idea, John. She's done several trackdays already, so it's nothing new to her, but it might indeed be more relaxing.

She's wanting to come hang out with me while I shoot at the Gap just to increase her exposure to the stuff that is spooking her and "get over it" quicker.

Brett M Judd said...

I always have my trauma clients collage and draw what they are feeling and write about the experience. It is important that she is able to express it as she feels it and how she experienced it. Too many times they get worried that it sounds illogical and try to protect the listener/loved one.

Be patient and supportive. It can all come back.


Tom said...

Lori - embrace physical therapy! I tore the tendon for my right bicep muscle clean off the bone a couple years ago (motorcycle related) and if it weren't for physical therapy my ROM (range of motion) would be terrible. So when it's time, put up with the pain but don't avoid any therapy. It truly works! God bless. -Tom

skbearsonya said...

Hello killboy/girl
This is Sonya(the lady that stopped on you with the suv)I wanted to check on Lori and see how your doing....? Looks like your going to be riding again for sure. It is okay to take your time. I look forward to seeing you on your bike. Lori I am also writing to ask that you keep us in your prayers. Terrence laid his bike down Sunday up on HWY 25 close to 29 DREAMS. He is in UAB trama unit. He has a broke left leg, and some internal injuries, but I believe GOD is going to pull him thru. Please lift him up. I hope to talk to you soon. Your friend Sonya

killgurl said...

Hey Sonya,

I'm healing up ok, it'll all just take time.

We'll be keeping Terrence in our thoughts and prayers. I hope he pulls through ok, broken bones stink. Please keep us updated on how he's doing, and let him know we are pullin' for him.
