Thursday, March 13, 2008



FightersDomain said...

Reminds me of one of those old tv movies with a demon possessed car. There was one called "the car" and wasn't there another one with a bulldozer?

Anonymous said...

Duel, 1971 with Dennis Weaver - the original and one of Steven Spielberg's firsts.

Christine - another good one!

Scotty J. said...

KillDozer was the one with Bulldozer.

Scotty J. said...

@civicsclass: Did you know that the movie Duel also inspired the character Wilson in the movie Castaway.

They decided to create the character Wilson because of the dialog from Duel, Dennis Weaver was talking to himself for most of the movie, not interactive dialog, the producers of Castaway decided that a more interactive dialog would be more entertaining, so viola, Wilson was born.

Man, I gotta get out more LOL.

Darryl, this will be our 4th trip there, this time I don't care how damn busy you appear to be, I'm going to stop and say hey. Anything in particular you like on your burgers or pizza?


ky_airhog said...

Yeah..... Killdozer with Clint Walker. They finally killed it by running it over electrified rr tracks.

FightersDomain said...

killdozer...that was it. I forgot about dual.
I just remember "the car" because when they would show the demon car moving fast it looked like they just doubled the speed of the movie temporarily because everything else in the background was moving twice as fast too... It's pretty funny now, but I was probably scared back when I was 8... Oh Alright, I'm still scared.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Scotty J: No veggies, no mayo. =)

You don't really have to do that now, we're usually pretty well prepared.

Killdozer Done Right

FightersDomain said...

hmmm... killdozer.....killboy

Please insert your clever comment here.
The funniest entry will receive client number 9 status and any remaining credit on the Governor's VIP Card.

ky_airhog said...


Scotty J. said...

Darryl, well I have to have some type of prop for and excuse to interrupt your work. I'll think of something. I bet Peeps will be going REAL cheap by late July LOL.

Oh, we won't be in the Evo this year, last year was the first trip without the Miata and my Wife says it's just not the same. So, with that said, I'm pretty sure we won't be in the Evo LOL.

Cya soon.