Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Weekly Update - May 9, 2007

Oh what a weekend. Friday we found out the Mini parade was that morning...thought it was going to be Saturday morning.

Saturday was a washout, but we hoped to get some nice shots of the cars playing in the rain...not many came out though. Too bad, the road sure was empty. One Mini dropped a tire off the road Saturday, and over-corrected, sending the car across the road and flipping over in the ditch. Brian and I were told about the incident, and we ran down to see if we could help. Brian was the first on the scene, and we helped pull the driver out of the car through the driver's side window as it lay on the passenger side. The driver's 13 year old daughter was in the car as well, and she was pretty shaken, but they seemed to have only minor injuries, with a possible shoulder injury for the driver.

Sunday was a squidfest, with some of the sloppiest driving and riding we've ever seen. The lone guardrail collected 2 Sunday, and one more Monday for good measure.

Those of you running our Super Deluxe Screen Saver got a sneak peek this week (it rhymes) of the photos used for this update, along with several extras...and all a couple of days early. Don't get used to it though, we just had a slow weekend so sorting went a lot faster than usual. ;)

On to the highlights!

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