Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And now the conclusion to the greatest save we have ever seen at the Gap

Yes, he rode it off. Congrats?

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Gsimpson2g said...

Amazing save! Hope he had an extra pair of drawers.

masrapido13 said...

And a extra pair of b@lls... sure he hit them hard!!!

Trip said...

damn nice save, kudos.

vmaximum said...

I wonder if there was a audible popping sound as he cheeks left the seat.

Anonymous said...

Skidmark in his pants...

Wheedle said...

Probably bigger than the skidmark on the road too....

Bruce said...

I'm suprised you all didn't rag on this poor fellow for inching across the yellow line.

Unknown said...

So, I didn't fill my drawers with anything because my cheeks where clinched way too tight to let anything out! However, there might have been a little slippage when i viewed these photos for the first time.

I just traded in my CBR 954 for the CBR 1000 RR a couple of days before we left for our anual Deals Gap trip. As seen in the picutres, the 1000 has a bit more power than the 954.

Bruce - I love the comment! The reason I've waited to say anything is becuase I thought for sure everybody would be ripping on me for crossing the line.

There is one picutre the end i turned a gave a thumbs up. I'm not sure if i was even breathing yet, but i knew there was a camera behind me.

Unknown said...

dude just glad you r ok.....there could of been some on comming traffic or anything....very lucky...

vmaximum said...

Congrats on pulling it off. I can only imagine the "Oh shit"s running thru your mind. As for crossing the double yellow, whatever needed to be done to save it.Just be very thankful that there wasn't a friggin truck swinging wide to make the turn. Hopefully there is a lesson learned, as it has been said so many times on here.Riding within your means.New bike = new learning curve (so to speak™)

T said...


Glad ya made it man, hell'uva save. And from what I can see in the pics, you didn't cross the line til you had a clear view into the next short straight, so you could tell no traffic was coming (though I am sure it wasn't on purpose).

I went from a 929 to a 1000 and of course there is a huge power difference, didn't realize there was that big of a jump from the 954.

Flanders said...

He blew a big chance to make it further up the side of the hill than the bike in last week's posts.

Anonymous said...

LUCKY! so lucky there was no oncoming traffic. Nice save. Really makes you appreciate the ol' pucker factor. Glad your OK and thumbs up on owning up to mistake.

Skeener said...

I have done that before but once my arse left the seat my handle bars got crossed up and I did a face plant... Luckily it was on dirt though but I still got knocked out.

Unknown said...

We ride with this guy on most of our twisties trips in Southeastern Wisconsin...The guy is a maniac in the turns and really steps up his game when it comes to the corners!

check us out!