Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weekly Update - April 11, 2007

Hey folks! Not much of an update this week, we only shot Monday and Tuesday. It was just too cold to stand out there and try to hold a camera steady...we even got a few inches of snow!

This weekend is definitely looking warmer but possibly wet. It's too bad because the Beginning of Season Bash (BOSB) by is this Saturday night. Come on out if you get a's always a great family party with cool prizes, crazy minibike racing in the parking lot, and adult Big Wheel races. (bring any of the above toys to get in on the action...full riding gear required)

On to the highlights!


Unknown said...

i was hoping you were going to be out wednesday shooting. i got word that a guy from automobile magazine was driving an Audi R8 test car from detroit to the Gap wednesday, and heading back home today (thursday).

it'd been cool to see pics of that beast hitting those turns before they hit production

Unknown said...

A guy on S2Ki got some pics of the R8 after he stopped and talked with him for a bit... check 'em out here: