Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Amazing what a set of wheels can do

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Danielle said...

Hawt!!! oh and the car is nice too. ;-P

Brian A said...

Is that a hint?
I want me some!!

Send donations to Brian c/o

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Brian A: I had put "Amazing what a set of wheels can do for your wife's car" but I figured the owner would get mad at me for our little inside joke. ;)

redg35chic said...

I find it rather funny that you only posted the pictures of my husband driving my car, but no pictures of the real owner ;) lol!

ps. what inside joke?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Haha...that's awesome redg35chic! My friend Brian A here brings his wife's stock G35 to the Gap sometimes and beats on it. ;)

redg35chic said...

haha!...its definately a blast and handles like its on rails through the brian attending ZdayZ this year?