Friday, March 30, 2007

Weekly Update - March 30, 2007

Well I've been trying for 2 days to get the rest of the highlights uploaded, but blogger is giving me fits. So I'm just uploading everything to Tha Store here for now.

Quite a few minor accidents last bike-on-car as you may have heard. One really got me thinking though...we helped a rider up after he ran off the road in a left-hander. He said another bike had "cut him off" while passing in the same direction, and caused him to crash. Now, I don't doubt that there is some rudeness going on out there, and we all need to think about how our actions impact others and our own enjoyment...make people crash, the cops come out and shut it down. It's that simple. BUT, this whole "ran me off the road" line of thinking is getting old...especially when going the same direction. Basically, if they don't make contact with you, there is no real reason to be crashing. It's just another distraction that we can learn to deal with, or continue to blame others for the mistakes we could have prevented.

This weekend is looking so-so...possibly some rain. Lori and I will be running down to Barber Saturday to shoot a trackday for Buell and Motorcyclist magazine. Keith and David will have the Gap covered. Be smart out there!

I love these bikes

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silveRRocket said...

Ah ha! Ron made the front page! I can't believe you missed Lamonts superman bike (custom M109R) with the pull behind trailor Darryl :-).

EngineNoO9 said...

Killboy - normally I agree with you and I do to some point but if a lane crosser is in your lane coming right at you, you can only compensate so much to avoid that assuming he stays that line, which he may. I'm not personally a fan of playing chicken either. I think honestly I'd rather low side or go into a ditch then be hit by an oncoming bike or car. I don't trust these lane crossers to get out of the way when they've already risked their own lives crossing into the lane. So really while the guy wasn't hit by him, it's a fair explanation to say he was run off the road.

BajaRon said...

Don't tell Lamont! I'll never hear the end of this one! ;-)

The caption is perfect. I do love this bike! Suzuki really did this one right.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Yeah, head-to-head is a different story, I agree with ya there Engine...I didn't really take that into consideration. I was thinking more of the people traveling in the same direction and getting freaked out.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Reworded the original post to be more specific to the direction of travel. Thanks!

EngineNoO9 said...

gotcha. that makes a lot more sense

brake.fade said...

Saw some pics of the NSX after the head-on with the bike. Interestingly, the bike owner is claiming to his insurance that it was the NSX who was the lane crosser. Funny...Killboy snapped several shots of both driver & rider that day...the NSX consistantly in his lane...the rider...not so much. This is him

He should own up to his behavior.