Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It'll buff out.

Not sure about those chigger bites though. (He had a cracked radiator hose leaking...fixed it, filled up, rode off.)

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Ralph F. Couey said...

"this is the age of getting things done."

(Obscure Viagra ad reference.)

Robert ZG1000A6F said...

Looks like the frame sliders helped.

RC 51 Mark said...

Look at this series and call us gear Nazis.
Vindication rules !

RedTSquared said...

Glad You're okay and glad you were geared!

Anonymous said...

Radiator hose = easy to fix. Road rash = hard to fix. Good on you for gearing up. Ride on.

tdragger said...

If you ride like this guy did, then sure you should gear up. Some people ride at a more sane pace and stay upright.

Alilyoyo1 said...

who's to judge sane or insane? we ride what we like...3 cruisers went off that same weekend so its not a factor at all.

Matt said...

What's a sane pace? I was doing 35-40mph around those corners. It felt insane to me and I wouldn't want my shoulder slamming into the asphalt at that speed.

Matt said...

without my armored jacket on, that is.

K03gsxr750 said...


So cars, mechanical failures, weather, and debris on the road don't apply if you ride "up-right"?!?

Good to know because I can totally quit gearing up when I ride into work....

KC said...