Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kudos for holding your own line back there.

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RedTSquared said...

And we all KNOW what he's thinking while keeping that nice line!!

tweeter55 said...

Yeah...I gotta avoid the impending accident.

Josh said...


dog said...

The safety minded dude behind him has a great WTF expression.

cobra6 said...

Just another idiot who thinks he's Nicky Hayden. Guess what? He's NOT!

Yo ARKiV said...

Wow, I didn't know you could ride a motorcycle in reverse...

miamimotorcyclist said...

I know the double yellow lines already say not to do that but they should put a billboard on at least the resort side with one of these pictures saying- "don't be that rider."

I get the attraction of wanting to do that and I'm pretty sure I did it on turns I could see through back in 1999 on my first visit on a weekday evening. Road was empty but that doesn't make it okay, just being honest.

I wouldn't do it today for sure even if I could see through the next turn or two but I see the temptation of hitting the sweet spot of the "berm" in the road.

Especially if you are from the flat, straight states.

Maybe have a pic of one of the semis on that billboard too, showing what could happen at the wrong time, not too mention the biker you could kill.

VFRDave said...

2 years ago, I made my first trip down, will be coming back again 3 week of May.

The number one thing on my mind is to maintain control so that I stay in my own own lane.

It's not really that hard people.

Anonymous said...

Sufferin' succotash...